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Just so you know, while this was at the Penn State game, the ship they sank was flying the University of Michigan flag. Arguably the biggest rivalry in American college football.
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I was talking to a liberal on Twitter a few days ago, and he told me that demand just doesn't create itself. So there.
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AngelaTC added a favorite at RedStateEclectic
May 24, 2013
Things have changed so much, but I would think those type groups would be a (c)4. (c)3 groups were intended to be charities. The fact that the GOP isn't calling for abolition of the IRS is sad.
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And despite all the money spent both preparing for this type of event, and in the aftermath...the suspect was caught only when a homeowner found him and called police.
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Ah, spring. When a young man's thoughts turn to...SHARK!
Toggle Commented Apr 19, 2013 on Shark Alert at RedStateEclectic
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If only there were a way to send Bear Spray through the phone lines.
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The Williams media machine has always maintained that he was a huge fan of Winters. And the statement Williams released yesterday said Winters was at first an idol, then a mentor, then a friend. I've heard a lot of people say they only remember Winters from Mork and Mindy, while I had erased that role from my mind completely. LOL!
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Posted Apr 9, 2013 at Angelat0763's blog
North Korea has admitted to having them, and has also sucessfully tested them 2 or 3 times. Some of the same people who told us that Iraq didn't have WMDs and that Iran doesn't have nukes are telling us that North Korea does have nukes. I'm going to go with that.
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They have nuclear weapons. Probably "only" the technology that we had in the 50's, but still certainly more than capable of killing millions of people. You're right - they have said they want to talk. And most people seem to think that we should at least talk to them. What I find interesting is the media treatment. Iran has no nuclear weapon, and there's no evidence that they're pursuing one. Yet we seemingly can't wait to drop a nuclear weapon on them. However, N Korea is a nuclear power, run by a man every bit as belligerent as Ahmadinejad, and the conversation is only revolving around "should we talk to him?"
1 reply Justin Rainmondo: "Like vampires risen from the dead each night, these creatures who shun the light and feast on pain and suffering, are refreshed and ready to take wing again. What they seek is what makes them feel alive and energizes them to want more, and that is war. They are the War Party, and they are Democrats and Republicans. They are columnists and publishers and academics, as well as politicians and publicists. They don’t have much of a mass base: they prefer to work in the shadows, manipulating rather than inspiring. By such Machiavellian means have they managed to stay viable, in spite of the disasters they have wrought through the years – giving them more scope for fresh disasters yet to be imagined."
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I got the criminal coin instantly. The age of Bob and his father required me to dust off both a pencil and the portion of the brain that used to do quite well in algebra. Happy to report it still works.
Toggle Commented Mar 11, 2012 on The Feel of Thought at RedStateEclectic
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My shallow post of the day: Kristol has evil eyes. Boehner has them too.
Toggle Commented Mar 11, 2012 on Delegate Math at RedStateEclectic
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I'm quite jealous of people who live lives that lead down the international path.
Toggle Commented Mar 11, 2012 on Memory Lane at RedStateEclectic
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I'm sure he's a nice nice guy. Politicos almost always are.
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(Cross posted at LCR): Mr. Hill, it was the lack of caffeine that drove me to hit "enter" before I proofed my response. My snarly reaction to all big government "solutions" won't ever change. I am not a diplomat, I won't ever win a Ms Blogger Congeniality award, and frankly most people don't like me even when they agree with me. I am not your friend, I won't ever fit in at beltway cocktail parties, and nobody is ever going to vote me into office. Having said all that, I stand quite firm behind by sentiments. You pointed out mandates that accompany voluntary participation in assorted government programs and made a case to apply those standards to a program that is certainly not voluntary. Look at the statistics behind obesity, and you'll see that blacks and Hispanics are far more likely to be overweight than whites. Women tend to be affected more then men. So what you're essentially saying (even though you obviously didn't intend it that way) is that because white males are the least likely to be obese, they should have the first rights to the limited health care resources. That's a form of selective genocide - good luck adding that to the GOP platform. Of course, maybe you can reach across the aisle, and develop some sort selective standards. White men can be held to a much higher standard, blacks and Hispanics can get a pass based on race, and women will have yet another chart to decide their eligibility. I mean, equal opportunity planning worked so well in academia and the workplace, we should obviously move towards incorporating it in out national health care system. Of course Medicare and Medicaid are going to fail. We've known that for a couple of generations. That's just another reason that the responsibility should at least be returned to the states ASAP. 50 different approaches are far more likely to produce at least a single success than a DC bureaucratic nightmare that's already failed repeatedly. If a private firm had failed on such a spectacular level, it would be bankrupt (or bailed out) and a flurry of market alternatives would arrive. Instead, Washington DC has created a virtual monopoly in the health care system, and is now seeing why politics and business don't tend to mix well outside of K-Street.
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I think that Paul has to attack the anti-Romney candidates because he wants to be the anti-Romney candidate. We all know what Romney is, and that he can't seem to break 36%.
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I had that same thought! That 5:00 shadow is hot!
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ROTFL - from what I heard, "performance issues" is a really, really polite way to phrase it.
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I was late to this party. It's really sad, but the fact that a reporter can actually do a fair story about all things Paul leaves me almost speechless. This guy is relatively friendly - his Twitter feed and Facebook page have exploded in popularity, and he seems pretty ok with it, even laughing about the "Ben Swann For Press Secretary" page a loyalist created. He addressed a viewer's question about Paul's Iran policy on his page, and told us that his next story will be about Newt's claim that a secret panel review is all that is required to assassinate a 16 year old citizen. I wonder if I should warn him what will happen when he posts something that isn't rabidly pro-Paul. :)
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I applaud the creativity!
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Interesting new spammer approach!
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Cafferty did one of my all-time favorite Ron Paul pieces of the 2007 season. If you didn't see it....
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The first time it happened, they let Rand respond, which I thought was a brilliant move.
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