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angie k
Austin, TX
Interests: music, theatre, art, science fiction, technology, comics, video games, science fact, performance studies, race/gender/sexuality issues
Recent Activity
Whooooo! I'm so excited! (Also, it's been six years? Whoa.)
WIL WHEATON dot NET is open for business
After a long Exile, I returned home this weekend. Until the heat death of the universe or I stop blogging (whichever comes first), I'll be back at WWdN. Follow me past the jump for some technical information and closing thoughts, if you're into that sort of thing. About RSS subscriptions: I'm go...
Yay! I hope to see you there!
Is it really only 2 days until GenCon? Yes. Yes it is.
On Wednesday, I'm heading to GenCon in Indianapolis. I had a great time when I was there before, and I'm looking forward to attending this year. Here's what you need to know, from GenCon: Wil will be signing autographs in the Autograph Area of the Exhibit Hall, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday mo...
This whole sequence gave me many LOLs last night. Still does. Thank you for preserving it for posterity. ;)
The Eternal Struggle
So this happened last night. I told the tale in pictures and captions on Twitter, and I'm putting it here for the ages. For science. You monster. Hey, Seamus, you're in my spot. Me: Seamus, move! Seamus: But I'm watching Colbert Report! Me: Seamus won't move. Riley: Well, duh. He's wa...
Have fun on the cruise!
All I do is talk to my cats some days. I will say that at least mine color coordinate themselves. Black clothes on the top of the clean laundry in the laundry basket? Look! The black cat is there! Longhorns sweatshirt left on the back of the couch? Look! The orange cat is there! Of course, they will deign to sit on something that doesn't match them, but, yeah, no clothes get laid out on the bed in my house, ever.
Anyway, have a great, great time, Wil!
in which a suitcase is packed
Tomorrow morning, I'm going to get into a giant aluminium tube and fly across the continent to America's Wang. Then, on Sunday, I'll get on a boat and spend a week doing nerdy stuff with nerds in the middle of the ocean. It should be pretty awesome. Earlier today, I folded my laundry, and put it...
Y'all are awesome. This story made me smile this morning. Also, congrats to Ryan for graduating and for landing a job so soon out of college! Best of luck to him! (Also, I look forward to tales of his inevitable revenge.)
In which I am a Trolldad
Ryan's home for the holidays, before he moves far, far away for his new job (hey, check out my son! He graduated college last week, and he starts a great job in two weeks! Go Ryan!!) The first night he was home, I told him that the warm covers for the bed he's sleeping on were in the dryer, so...
Oooh. I want to pick up Games Matter and Compleat Workes. :) I'm going to be working a PAX booth this year, so my drop by the other booths time is limited, though. *crosses fingers*
Also, I will bring you dice. Mmm... dice.
Also, I have two of those pinups at home. Two. Of different sizes. 14 year old me admits this with no problem.
Edited because Angie can't read today.
This is a post about PAX Prime, which is suddenly upon us.
It's raining in Vancouver. Little rivulets of water are running down the window, as low clouds slowly move across downtown, swallowing up the tops of buildings as they roll by. I have a late call today. I'm in one scene, and then I'm off until next Monday. Tomorrow morning, I'm going home to get...
Dude. That's horrible and totally uncalled for. I'm really sorry that happened to you.
if you cut me, i will bleed
Pretty much all of Comicon was awesome. However, there was one thing that was decidedly not awesome, and though I had initially decided not to talk about it in public, it's bothered me since it happened, so I wrote about it on G+ earlier today. I'm cross posting it here, though, because it's imp...
I am so sorry this happened, Wil. Thank you for writing about it.
I don't feel safe. I feel violated, humiliated, and angry.
Yesterday, I was touched -- in my opinion, inappropriately -- by a TSA agent at LAX. I'm not going to talk about it in detail until I can speak with an attorney, but I've spent much of the last 24 hours replaying it over and over in my mind, and though some of the initial outrage has faded, I st...
This is a really moving post, Wil. Thank you for sharing.
Though I hadn't seen him in over twenty years, I knew I'd miss him forever
I stood in the lobby of the Falcon Theater in Toluca Lake, and looked at Twitter while I waited for the rest of the guys to arrive. The walls were covered with posters from productions like CHiPs: The Musical and It's A Stevie Wonderful Life. Being in a theater during the day, when it's just a b...
Best weekend ever. Cal & D sounds like a lot of fun. I used to play in a 2nd Ed game that also had no minis. It was fun.
Also, dude, dragon coasters are awesome. But I can't argue with Anne's logic. :)
A weekend of gaming, from Cal & D to Power Grid
Saturday, I got together with Cal, Martin and Steve so we could finish our now-epic one-shot of Cal & D. The plan was to start at 10, because Martin had a family commitment that we all decided (despite his disagreement, which was wrong) that wasn't nearly as important as crawling the dungeon and...
Anne wins. If she had a newsletter I'd want to subscribe to it.
Check. And. Mate.
On our way home from the grocery store tonight, I said to Anne, "Have you heard of this Tumblr called I'm Remembering?" "No," she said, "what's that?" "It's all these images and things from the eighties and early nineties, and it's pretty awesome." In spite of myself, I added with a rather copio...
Dear Penthouse...
The Best Chaos Elf, EVER.
Marc Roskin took this picture of me when we were filming LEVERAGE. It's sort of spoilery, I guess, but it's too hilarious not to share. I'm not sure when this episode airs, The Ho Ho Ho Job airs December 12 on TNT, and I am sure you're going to love it.
True Secret: I still refer to doing the dishes as "pots and pans" because of Toy Soldiers. I watched this movie all the time as a kid. Further True Fact: 13 year old me rarely watched the movie past Joey's death. (What's the point, after all, her favorite part of the movie is no longer on the screen.) 23+ year old me watched the movie to its end because it's actually quite an enjoyable film and the other actors provide solid performances until the end.
I... might just have to dig this out of my movie bin and watch it today. Perhaps a Toy Soldiers/December (What a great film) double feature. Man, I <3 the early '90s.
P.S. I always admired the whole "move the entire office into the quad" thing. Man, that was the ace prank in my book.
regarding dangly ankh earrings and the 18 year-olds who wore them in 1990
I shoot Big Bang Theory on Monday before I go back to Vancouver to finish out the fourth season of Eureka, so I have scored an entirely unexpected bonus weekend at home with my wife. Yesterday, we heard that Toy Soldiers was playing on local station KDOC (which was one of the truly great UHF sta...
It's the "elegant coif" that cracks me up every time. This is hilarious.
Wesley Crusher's Sweet-Ass Motherfucking Bouffant
When I was a teenager pretending to fly a spaceship, I got to do a lot of really cool things with a lot of really cool people. The price of admission to this wonderful world, though, was the most annoying hairdo I've ever experienced in my life. I called it Wesley's Helmet Hair, because it did n...
Dude, I swear, it's like they're calling from inside the house or something. Wait... *shifty eyes*
From the Vault: there is more than one thing that makes us who we are
I'm bringing a limited-edition chapbook of gaming stories to GenCon, so Andrew and I have been digging through old entries and columns to put it together. This weekend he found and sent me the following old post, with the note: "Nothing to do with gaming, but it's REALLY short and I think we cou...
When I bought copies of Just A Geek for some of my in-laws, they all gave me the same scared, "But I'm not a geek. Is this about Star Trek? I won't understand the geekiness!" look.
"Relax," I told them. "JAG is kind of about Star Trek, but not really. It's not explicitly an autobiography, and while it is cathartic for us geeks, you don't *have* to be a geek to enjoy it. It's about a journey of the self. You'll like it. Trust me."
They liked it.
P.S. When you've sold out the chapbooks, can you tell us the posts and articles you used for it? For those of us playing along at home? (What? I do *not* make my own homemade chapbooks! I did not at one point copy and format the TVSquad articles that would eventually become Memories of the Future into a rough, personal chapbook in an Open Office document! Why would you ask that, anonymous person on the internet that I'm talking to?)
From the Vault: there is more than one thing that makes us who we are
I'm bringing a limited-edition chapbook of gaming stories to GenCon, so Andrew and I have been digging through old entries and columns to put it together. This weekend he found and sent me the following old post, with the note: "Nothing to do with gaming, but it's REALLY short and I think we cou...
Wil, 14/just turned 15 year old you was adorkable. I was too young when you filmed that to remember those clips (though I know I was watching Nickelodeon at the time), but I'm glad I got to watch them now. Thanks for posting this! What a time machine YouTube can be sometimes!
P.S. When you eventually buy Disneyland and turn it into your own private Skullcrusher Mountain, can we all have a pizza party there? Please?
FLASHBACK! True Stories From Famous People
When I was a dorky teenager, I was sort of thrust into the spotlight by Stand By Me and Star Trek. I've written before about how weird the whole thing was, and how uncomfortable a lot of the attention made me, but it wasn't all bad; I got to do some cool things, and meet some cool people as a re...
w00tstock 2.4 sounds like it was amazing. Thanks for writing about it for those who weren't there. I really need to go to one of the w00tstock shows, assuming y'all do more. They always sound fantastic.
memories of w00tstock 2.4
I walked across two sets of train tracks, through a tangle of nerds and normals, and navigated my way up Fourth Street toward the theater. My Bag of Holding, slung diagonally across my body, rested comfortably against my side. Inside, my costume changes (read: Nerdy T-shirts) and script (read: H...
I cleaned out some drawers last night, and found all my old notebooks of writing. Some were short pieces of text for fiction, some were preparations for performances I wanted to write. Some were still good, some were... not. But all my writing was from over five years ago. Then I found the stacks of unfinished journals - and all those blank pages really depressed me. "I used to write so much. I don't write as much as I think I should." I thought. Then I sat down at my computer and started free-writing. What I wrote needs editing, but it's like you said, I made something where nothing was before. It made me feel a little better. Maybe I'll bring out my old, unfinished writing journals and write again, just to get back in the habit.
Thanks for sharing this moment, and I love what started over at Jinx.
to make something, where nothing was before
"Come float with me in the pool," Anne said. "I have to write something, first. It should only take a few minutes." "Okay." She kicked her feet and drifted away. It was early in the morning, and already over one hundred degrees. A light breeze did nothing to alleviate the heat, but I didn't mind...
I'll put in a vote for the crest as a sticker and/or magnet.
These are really great shirts, Wil.
marshmallow meeps and an 8-bit wwdn coat of arms
Yesterday, the final two T-shirts in the first round of my collaborations with Jinx were released. First up, Marshmallow Meeps! Like Rules Lawyers, this idea amused me greatly, and I was shocked to discover that someone hadn't done this already. Maybe it's too small a slice of overlap in the...
Make sure to check the sizing chart. Their women's sizes run small, like American Apparel if you're familiar with them. A women's 2XL is only 19" across the chest, but being a t-shirt it's probably stretchy. (Hopefully.) They do have a return policy if you order a size that doesn't fit, FWIW.
my sword glows blue in the presence of rules lawyers
Around the end of last year, I Twittered: Just read this on Board Game Geek: "My sword glows blue in the presence of rules lawyers." I kind of want that on a T-shirt. I figured that it was very unlikely that I was the first person on all of the internet to combine gaming archetypes with Lord o...
P.S. 2010 me does not really expect the same site as back in 2003, but 2003 me took over the keyboard for a second there. Exciting.
From the Vault: unpublished and unfinished scene from a grocery store
I'm working on repairing and restoring WWdN (don't get too excited or update your bookmarks just yet, my blog will live here no matter what), and while I was cleaning up duplicate blog entries, I came across several unpublished drafts of posts that I decided were too personal to publish, too unf...
*hugs 2003 you. shrugs. hugs 2010 you.*
Also, WWdN is making a comeback!? Yes! Soapbox! WWdN store! 2003 me is very excited and would like to inform you that she never deleted her WWdN bookmark in the first place.
Thanks for sharing this tidbit from the old WWdN.
From the Vault: unpublished and unfinished scene from a grocery store
I'm working on repairing and restoring WWdN (don't get too excited or update your bookmarks just yet, my blog will live here no matter what), and while I was cleaning up duplicate blog entries, I came across several unpublished drafts of posts that I decided were too personal to publish, too unf...
That's awesome! I've wanted to go to Gen Con for a long time but have lacked time and funds. Have a great time for everyone who can't be there! I'll, uh, play Pandemic at home and wish I was there. :)
I'm coming to Gen Con! If you like playing nerdy games, even a little bit, you owe it to yourself to go to a game con. There are awesome regional cons happening all the time, like the Strategicons we have here near LAX, and RinCon in Tucson, but the biggest one of all is Gen Con. I've wanted to ...
Co-signing about Austin, Houston, or Dallas. (Austin! Austin FTW! You could easily do the show at the Paramount Theatre!)
"In a lot of ways, for me, W00tstock felt like finally finding a home base."
When Paul and Storm and Adam Savage and I had our first conversations about what would become w00tstock, we knew that we wanted to put on an entertaining show for our fellow nerds that would be successful enough to warrant more than the three shows we originally planned. Sunday and Monday, we're...
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