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angie k
Austin, TX
Interests: music, theatre, art, science fiction, technology, comics, video games, science fact, performance studies, race/gender/sexuality issues
Recent Activity
Whooooo! I'm so excited! (Also, it's been six years? Whoa.)
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Yay! I hope to see you there!
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This whole sequence gave me many LOLs last night. Still does. Thank you for preserving it for posterity. ;)
Toggle Commented Jun 20, 2012 on The Eternal Struggle at WWdN: In Exile
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Have fun on the cruise! All I do is talk to my cats some days. I will say that at least mine color coordinate themselves. Black clothes on the top of the clean laundry in the laundry basket? Look! The black cat is there! Longhorns sweatshirt left on the back of the couch? Look! The orange cat is there! Of course, they will deign to sit on something that doesn't match them, but, yeah, no clothes get laid out on the bed in my house, ever. Anyway, have a great, great time, Wil! Cheers.
Toggle Commented Feb 18, 2012 on in which a suitcase is packed at WWdN: In Exile
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Y'all are awesome. This story made me smile this morning. Also, congrats to Ryan for graduating and for landing a job so soon out of college! Best of luck to him! (Also, I look forward to tales of his inevitable revenge.) Cheers!
Toggle Commented Dec 23, 2011 on In which I am a Trolldad at WWdN: In Exile
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Oooh. I want to pick up Games Matter and Compleat Workes. :) I'm going to be working a PAX booth this year, so my drop by the other booths time is limited, though. *crosses fingers* Also, I will bring you dice. Mmm... dice. Also, I have two of those pinups at home. Two. Of different sizes. 14 year old me admits this with no problem. Cheers. Edited because Angie can't read today.
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Dude. That's horrible and totally uncalled for. I'm really sorry that happened to you.
Toggle Commented Jul 25, 2011 on if you cut me, i will bleed at WWdN: In Exile
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I am so sorry this happened, Wil. Thank you for writing about it.
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This is a really moving post, Wil. Thank you for sharing. Cheers.
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Best weekend ever. Cal & D sounds like a lot of fun. I used to play in a 2nd Ed game that also had no minis. It was fun. Also, dude, dragon coasters are awesome. But I can't argue with Anne's logic. :) Cheers.
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Anne wins. If she had a newsletter I'd want to subscribe to it.
Toggle Commented Dec 17, 2010 on Check. And. Mate. at WWdN: In Exile
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Dear Penthouse...
Toggle Commented Nov 18, 2010 on The Best Chaos Elf, EVER. at WWdN: In Exile
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True Secret: I still refer to doing the dishes as "pots and pans" because of Toy Soldiers. I watched this movie all the time as a kid. Further True Fact: 13 year old me rarely watched the movie past Joey's death. (What's the point, after all, her favorite part of the movie is no longer on the screen.) 23+ year old me watched the movie to its end because it's actually quite an enjoyable film and the other actors provide solid performances until the end. I... might just have to dig this out of my movie bin and watch it today. Perhaps a Toy Soldiers/December (What a great film) double feature. Man, I <3 the early '90s. P.S. I always admired the whole "move the entire office into the quad" thing. Man, that was the ace prank in my book.
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It's the "elegant coif" that cracks me up every time. This is hilarious.
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Dude, I swear, it's like they're calling from inside the house or something. Wait... *shifty eyes*
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When I bought copies of Just A Geek for some of my in-laws, they all gave me the same scared, "But I'm not a geek. Is this about Star Trek? I won't understand the geekiness!" look. "Relax," I told them. "JAG is kind of about Star Trek, but not really. It's not explicitly an autobiography, and while it is cathartic for us geeks, you don't *have* to be a geek to enjoy it. It's about a journey of the self. You'll like it. Trust me." They liked it. P.S. When you've sold out the chapbooks, can you tell us the posts and articles you used for it? For those of us playing along at home? (What? I do *not* make my own homemade chapbooks! I did not at one point copy and format the TVSquad articles that would eventually become Memories of the Future into a rough, personal chapbook in an Open Office document! Why would you ask that, anonymous person on the internet that I'm talking to?)
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Wil, 14/just turned 15 year old you was adorkable. I was too young when you filmed that to remember those clips (though I know I was watching Nickelodeon at the time), but I'm glad I got to watch them now. Thanks for posting this! What a time machine YouTube can be sometimes! P.S. When you eventually buy Disneyland and turn it into your own private Skullcrusher Mountain, can we all have a pizza party there? Please?
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w00tstock 2.4 sounds like it was amazing. Thanks for writing about it for those who weren't there. I really need to go to one of the w00tstock shows, assuming y'all do more. They always sound fantastic. Cheers.
Toggle Commented Jul 26, 2010 on memories of w00tstock 2.4 at WWdN: In Exile
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I cleaned out some drawers last night, and found all my old notebooks of writing. Some were short pieces of text for fiction, some were preparations for performances I wanted to write. Some were still good, some were... not. But all my writing was from over five years ago. Then I found the stacks of unfinished journals - and all those blank pages really depressed me. "I used to write so much. I don't write as much as I think I should." I thought. Then I sat down at my computer and started free-writing. What I wrote needs editing, but it's like you said, I made something where nothing was before. It made me feel a little better. Maybe I'll bring out my old, unfinished writing journals and write again, just to get back in the habit. Thanks for sharing this moment, and I love what started over at Jinx. Cheers.
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I'll put in a vote for the crest as a sticker and/or magnet. These are really great shirts, Wil.
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Make sure to check the sizing chart. Their women's sizes run small, like American Apparel if you're familiar with them. A women's 2XL is only 19" across the chest, but being a t-shirt it's probably stretchy. (Hopefully.) They do have a return policy if you order a size that doesn't fit, FWIW.
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P.S. 2010 me does not really expect the same site as back in 2003, but 2003 me took over the keyboard for a second there. Exciting.
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*hugs 2003 you. shrugs. hugs 2010 you.* Also, WWdN is making a comeback!? Yes! Soapbox! WWdN store! 2003 me is very excited and would like to inform you that she never deleted her WWdN bookmark in the first place. Thanks for sharing this tidbit from the old WWdN. Cheers.
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That's awesome! I've wanted to go to Gen Con for a long time but have lacked time and funds. Have a great time for everyone who can't be there! I'll, uh, play Pandemic at home and wish I was there. :) Cheers.
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Co-signing about Austin, Houston, or Dallas. (Austin! Austin FTW! You could easily do the show at the Paramount Theatre!) Cheers!
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