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Angrywayne added a favorite at hello typepad
May 21, 2013
Angrywayne added a favorite at nataliepo
Mar 21, 2012
Angrywayne added a favorite at hello typepad
Mar 23, 2011
But FNL is so the AFTER rebound relationship, and so much better. Alas, it's gone as well. Spartacus? (Not quite)
I feel dumped by LOST.
I find it infuriating that I ACTUALLY MISS THIS SHOW. This subway-styled map of the island (from sucked me right back into the feeling of fuzzy nostalgia and confusion. My eyes automatically go to the lower-right quandrant of my part of Brooklyn (??) to discover, SADLY, that...
Oh Anil, you make a terrific Dad, just more Cowboy, less intellectual stuff ;) This was great, especially for us 'on the verge' non-parent types.
Malcolm Browne Dash
Please meet Malcolm Browne Dash. He's my son, born February 9th weighing in at 7 pounds, 2 ounces.
Angrywayne added a favorite at hello typepad
Feb 10, 2011
I'm chilly on carosels too. Fucking pain in the ass if you ask me. Which you didn't. Ever try setting the timer on the iphone in a pinch? Yea, it ain't easy. Click click click. #designfail
Good points overall. I wasn't convinced by their little sideshow yesterday. "Have I decided that x percentage of the room is for in-depth, no.."-Jesse Angelo. Oh really, screw you too.
What the Daily, Yo?
Why did I do this? The Daily's publishing free, web-based versions to every article, but without an index, it's very inconvenient to find or link to individual articles from the web. And since the iPad app appears to only carry today's edition, it makes finding any historical articles you've...
I love this. And your post about your parents made me cry. Glad to have you writing again.
Bad Influence Mom
A little back story: in the early nineties, when I was in college, I went on a ski trip to Colorado. We have relatives who live out there and at the time of our visit, a young cousin was training as a ski jumper. We went over to the practice hill to watch him. He wasn't doing anything like the 90...
Angrywayne added a favorite at hello typepad
Jan 30, 2011
"Ms. Marr then planted herself at a table in the back of the bookstore, where she filed a 500-word article that was posted on Politico’s home page about an hour after Mr. Pawlenty had left the building.
As a former 'flyover' country reader of The Times I have to say that if the times writers' continue to denigrate and condescend in articles that are tertiary at best in their own research and writing, then their naivette or snobbery, whichever it may actually be, will surely cement their being stuck in the 20th century.
The whole tone of the article strikes me as defensive at best and I could feel the red glow around the ears and the hairs rise up on the back of the reporters neck. The tone of that last paragraph quoted above insinuated that hard and immediate work lacks authenticity, depth, meaning, experience with a focus purely on immediacy while ignoring the reality that it is efficient, timely, and concise, neither of which this article meets. Besides the fact that what would a Times editor prefer a 2000 word article on an appearance at Barnes & Noble?
Not only are they not recognizing the ascendency of blogs as news sources, but they are also failing to do what they insinuate these blogs cannot, report with clarity, objectivity and meaning from a higher level.
But it must feel pretty bad to watch the paper you grew up with flail around like it's been doing in fighting the new competition. This all reminds me of when my favorite paper in San Antonio, The San Antonio Light, shut down and left us with the San Antonio Express. The Light was always the long-form best for journalism in the city but the express was lean and mean and adapted. Even the great fail if the good are one step ahead when the race begins.
Alas, the Times isn't dead and is still the authority, isn't it?
How the Times Sees Political News Sites Seeing 2012 as Breakthrough Year
What Mr. Pawlenty does have is a beat reporter from Politico chronicling every utterance and movement of his noncampaign: a 25-year-old named Kendra Marr, who followed him through subzero temperatures last week equipped with a salt-coated Chevrolet Malibu rental, a laptop and a hand-held video c...
Ok, I'm convinced it sounds like fun history. And for someone that tortured himself with Latin and a bit of Roman history as a young man I may have to shove a pipe in my mouth and don a smoking jacket as I imbibe.
In Praise of the Book Cleopatra
Cleopatra: A Life by Stacy Schiff My rating: 5 of 5 stars Stacy Schiff has crafted, somehow, a new angle on one of the world's oldest great stories. By focusing on the first degree sources we have from the period (mostly from Roman scholars & historians, since Alexandria was destroyed by earth...
In regards to your footnote, did you see that Kraft foods is testing a scanner that guesses what you might want to purchase based on a scan of your face? Creepy and gross.
Facebook, I am more than where I work and where I went to school.
I'm getting some wonky vibes from the redesign of the private Facebook profile. The left-most column is fine with clearer navigational elements below the userpic, and the wall is just as ugly as ever. Targeted friend suggestions at the upper right don't bother me very much, and the targeted ...
Po Dog, this is terrific stuff. Sorry it took so long to get to reading it. In my defense I was in some other country away from the internet (mostly). I also thought Michelle Rodriguez's character was pretty flat though. And as usual, she gets killed off. Brown people and Asians always get killed off in these militaristic sci-fi films.
Speaking of plurality = second film, Predator => Predators, also a total crap militaristic nightmare where women, largely don't exist, unless they are being saved, abused or killed.
I've Now Seen: Avatar.
Avatar. AVATAR AVATAR AVATAR. I watched this movie over the weekend, and, boy oh boy am I glad I waited months to see this movie because this thing was a HUGE letdown. I know there was a ton of backlash about this movie and its obvious racism, so I will make the assumption that you already know...
Enough already. Start writing again. Somewhere ;)
See you later
The earliest post that you'll find on this blog dates to late March 2003, and fittingly, it is a poem titled "The International Congress of Fear." During a major redesign in early 2007, I backed up the blog and left only the posts that I still liked. So what's missing is 2002, the year that I ...
Another example for you Anil. I use the alerts for an industry keyword search, "food brooklyn sustainability". I've noticed that I've always heard about the articles before I receive the alert about them.
Three's a Trend: The Decline of Google Search Quality
Noticing a pattern here? Paul Kedrosky, Dishwashers, and How Google Eats Its Own Tail: Google has become a snake that too readily consumes its own keyword tail. Identify some words that show up in profitable searches -- from appliances, to mesothelioma
I think if I were guest blogging you'd see a readership dropout.
This is so Chabon, good in so many ways. And the Remnick piece was thoughtful and I see the point, just not entirely convinced still, eenthough it seems all of the media are after listening to the radio all day yesterday and this morning & reading news.
I hadn't seen your 'Nobel Treatment' until just now and so true. I thought that was odd when it happened but it goes to my theory that awards are generally small groups of people patting themselves and their friends on the back, which isn't wrong, just not quite right either.
Tears and Rain
I tried to imagine how I would feel if, having, God forbid, lost my precious daughter, born three months and ten days before Christina Taylor-Green, somebody offered this charming, tidy, corny vignette to me by way of consolation. I mean, come on! There is no heaven, man. The brunt, the ache and...
Angrywayne added a favorite at hello typepad
Jan 14, 2011
Great post PoDog.
New rule: All tech innovations should be demo'd and explained by Lady Gaga.
I love -- no, I LOVE THIS VIDEO of Lady Gaga walking through the new Polaroid products. Glasses that take pictures and video: awesome. Sending your cell phone's stuff to a printer or a usb stick: good. Telling the crowd that they're "fucking beautiful" in the midst of a demo: FABULOU...
I agree and raise that to "I want to live a better and longer life, inspire others to do the same and be able to eat whatever I cook."
Did you know that Ricky Gervais and I are the same?
Ricky Gervais on exercise and losing weight: "I want to live longer so I can eat more cheese."
Now I got you.
See you later
The earliest post that you'll find on this blog dates to late March 2003, and fittingly, it is a poem titled "The International Congress of Fear." During a major redesign in early 2007, I backed up the blog and left only the posts that I still liked. So what's missing is 2002, the year that I ...
More please. Lovely short.
I remember telling my mother that I had a "corazonada" (a hunch) that the baby would come early. She was happy to hear this, and I was so sure that my instincts were on target that I started to wrap up all sorts of loose ends (unanswered emails, desk clutter, other acts of random cleaning). Bu...
Wow, I don't think I would have found this book to read for another generation if you hadn't mentioned this. I rarely read reviews or interviews in the times for some reason. I used to really enjoy the believer reviews and interviews but I had to unsubscribe when my job ended.
It's handy living in the wrong place--Isabel...
It's handy living in the wrong place--Isabel Fonseca
Unedited and unfinished? I didn't even notice. This is a nice lil' diddy on the melody and introspection that can come from a considered view of life, notwithstanding baseball itself.
Close to home
I started this post on 5/28/2009. Judging from my notes, I had intended to make this a very long entry. It's unfinished and mostly unedited. I just have to let it go now, despite its rough edges. Perez later published a short prose piece titled "Para rumbiar" in Poetry. In 2007, Fernand...
Adriana, did you hear the WNYC piece by The Fishko Files about the translation of the book? She interviewed Volokhonsky and Pevear
Rereading: Doctor Zhivago | Books | The Guardian
The sentence flops onto its bottom like a toddler. via Ann Pasternak Slater, niece of Boris Pasternak, pens a delectably vicious smackdown of Volokhonsky-Pevear's translation of Dr. Zhivago. I read Dr. Zhivago in college but already had considered the movie a favorite for yea...
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