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New York, NY
Recent Activity
wow this is amazing. it made me cry. i know its not the same but i am in a long distance relationship and the seconds, minutes and days seem so ridiculously long and horrible without that person by your side.
this is definitely one of the most beautiful things i read.
It had been 330 DAYS, 47 WEEKS, 7920 HOURS,...
It had been 330 DAYS, 47 WEEKS, 7920 HOURS, 475,200 MINUTES, and 2,851,200 SECONDS since I had seen you last.... Then all of a sudden that clock stopped and you were somewhere in the same room as me at the Dear John Premiere in Los Angeles. I did my best not to look for you and pretend like I did...
absolutely beautiful. made me miss my boyfriend so much!
love the music as well. what is it?
Be stupid
Anna is now following Channing Tatum
Feb 5, 2010
Anna is now following The Typepad Team
Feb 5, 2010
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