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Brisbane, Australia
Crafter and artist, environmental and social psychology PhD student,
Recent Activity
Can it be made of paper? #1. Beads
Here is the first in a series of posts - asking the question: can it be made of paper? (Spoiler alert - ususally yes). I’m starting with an easy one – beads - which actually had a surprising number of... Continue reading
Posted Aug 29, 2014 at flight paths for paper birds
Tutorial - best 2 minute cornflour glue!
I use mostly cornflour glue for my paper projects - because it is amazing, cheap, absolutely non toxic (since the ingredients are edible!), and environmentally friendly. The only time I use PVA or other glue is for gluing things other... Continue reading
Posted Dec 2, 2013 at flight paths for paper birds
Handmade Fiesta - End of year at Reverse Garbage!
You are invited to the opening of... On: Saturday 30 November Time: 6.30pm - 9.30pm Where: Reverse Emporium at Reverse Garbage, 20 Burke Street, Woolloongabba Featuring: gorgeous up-cycled creations Live fusion of hip hop, soul, funk, jazz and sonic explorations... Continue reading
Posted Nov 21, 2013 at flight paths for paper birds
BrisStyle market debut - wrap up
I went to the BrisStyle Indie Markets at Brisbane City Hall last Saturday, as a stallholder, which was very very fun. It was also very motivating, as when I have visited the markets in the past, everyone has a very... Continue reading
Posted Nov 12, 2013 at flight paths for paper birds
Hey! I just joined Brisstyle, the lovely organisation of crafters that hosts some very cool markets around Brisbane. Hopefully I will make it to one of these soon! So I have spent all afternoon taking nice photos of my wares... Continue reading
Posted Oct 4, 2013 at flight paths for paper birds
2 ruffled crochet things in shades of green
A while ago I bought a lot of acrylic yarn from Reverse Garbage, in these great big spools. I snagged a range of greens, and have been making many green things since. Some of these things have ruffles. The ruffles... Continue reading
Posted Sep 29, 2013 at flight paths for paper birds
Thanks G! I need to make some more for future markets I think...
rainy days
For this rainy day, while I'm at home doing some work, I thought I'd take a break to post some photos of (some of) the things I've made in the last few months. If anyone happens to read, and wants to know how anything is made, I'm way too lazy (or busy? should be, anyway!) to write out instruct...
Paper flowers!
In April this year my friends Jessie and Paul got married, and I made decorations! As usual, paper was 100% recycled, glue was cornflour, yarn for stringing was from Reverse Garbage. The only new materials used in the whole thing... Continue reading
Posted Sep 24, 2013 at flight paths for paper birds
Nautical flag cushions!
Last year I had a brain wave about a present for my friend Rachel - it took a while to put into action, but I was very happy with the results! Presenting - Nautical Flag Name cushions! Rachel has the... Continue reading
Posted Sep 24, 2013 at flight paths for paper birds
Nasturtiums: real and paper
I love nasturtiums - (note to self- try and design a bowl with flowers as well as leaves) Here is one of my nasturtium bowls, and the inspiration for it. There is one of these bowls currently available at Reverse... Continue reading
Posted Sep 24, 2013 at flight paths for paper birds
Babette blanket and other yarn things made
blanket before assembly - I found pictures of this blanket at the purl bee, though they seem to have disappeared now, but it is a great site for ideas! Pattern is available here (though I didn't use a pattern, just... Continue reading
Posted Sep 24, 2013 at flight paths for paper birds
paper mache: some earlyish items
the first paper mache bowl I made... many more of these have followed And paper mache fruit! A 2011 Christmas present of nesting rainbow dot bowls Continue reading
Posted Sep 23, 2013 at flight paths for paper birds
After a long hiatus, I just reactivated this account - hurrah! so now I will begin a very long series of posts on things I have made in the last couple of years. Here we go! The wall hanging from... Continue reading
Posted Sep 23, 2013 at flight paths for paper birds
hello again / concept project
I’m currently revising a journal article, incorporating comments from my supervisor. Four of the first five comments are, ‘too wordy’, ‘needs streamlining’, ‘needs polishing’, ‘express clearly’ (the other comment was that a sentence was too technical). My first drafts tend... Continue reading
Posted Oct 21, 2011 at One Thing Per Week
new comments policy!
and another thing - Comment policy Comments in haiku form are strongly preferred, and I promise to smile every time I read one. Comments including profanity, personal or ad hominem attacks (such as about appearance, writing style, personality) will be... Continue reading
Posted Oct 21, 2011 at One Thing Per Week
ah, I really miss bee-land!
I'm glad it is such a cherished space in your mind Rozi, that's exactly how I feel!
in fact, I agree with every part of this blog post!
...being at peace with yourself and the world... How amazing to be able to make art that evokes this feeling in ourselves, and communicates it to others (which, from conversations I had with people, and observing people in bee-land, i think it did, at least for some).
bee-keeper rozi minds bee-land for one last day...
sitting in the shopfront at the judy writing this... a little sad that bee-land won't exist after tonight as we put all of the bees to bed for a little while (well, till the next time they want to visit anyway)... it is strange, interesting and a little scary sharing little pieces of your brain ...
I love the idea of drifting laterally. I think this is an essential part of a lot of what I (we all?) do - part of the process of writing and researching and making, but it's really hard to remember to leave time for it!
when I have a deadline, or only a certain amount of time for art, I want to be being productive right away! but I'm learning to recognise that this drifting is still productive, even if it doesn't feel like it. Or, that the unproductiveness of it is very important.
I think mindfulness meditation helps with that, and with the drifting itself.
more quotes...
...the only real learning results from hang-ups, where instead of expanding the branches of what you already know, you have to stop and drift laterally for a while until you come across something that allows you to expand the roots of what you already know... ...nonrepresentative art is one of t...
by links much more than string
This is lovely, if a tad simplistic. As I was watching it there was a beetle walking around behind a poster on the wall next to me, I was a little sad to realise the clicks it was making weren't part of the music! WWF - We Are All Connected from on Vimeo. Continue reading
Posted Feb 11, 2011 at The Connectedness Collaboration
death by chai
so, I'm not the most careful person in the world, with my belongings. I can be a bit clumsy, and very messy, and disorganised. But I hadn't had a major disaster in years, until I spilt a cup of chai... Continue reading
Posted Jan 8, 2011 at flight paths for paper birds
rainy days
For this rainy day, while I'm at home doing some work, I thought I'd take a break to post some photos of (some of) the things I've made in the last few months. If anyone happens to read, and wants... Continue reading
Posted Jan 7, 2011 at flight paths for paper birds
Rozi has already posted some photos - but here's my wrap up of the birds project... Last weekend was the exhibition for the Bird Biodiversity Project - the art project that Ruth, Rozi and I have been working on with Josh Donellan from Giant Canvas, and the students of Hilder Road Primary School for the past two months. 14 classes from Hilder Road, from preps to grade 7, have been working with us to make paper-mache birds out of recycled office paper, glue and paint. We were exploring the diversity of local birds, so many of the birds were representations... Continue reading
Posted Sep 9, 2010 at The Connectedness Collaboration
ahhh, I want to go and play in the forest for a day (with or without simultaneous intercontinental connections)...
retrieving humanity...
it is strange how when you put something out there... the universe picks up on it... sometimes it provides and other times not... in this instance... the universe is providing in a big way! my work has always been about connections... even when i didn't know it was about connections... it was....
The two minute conflict resolution process
(or upset resolution, or disagreement resolution) I heard about this at a conference I was at recently, it’s actually a 2 minute version of a longer process for conflict resolution, but is a good starting point I think! The research was evaluating the use of this process in schools, but I also think that what’s good for our kids is good for us! The process is called SIB, as a reminder of the steps. 1. Set the scene for a win-win solution - use cooperation statements, like ‘we can work this out together’ 2. Identify everyone’s interests - hear from... Continue reading
Posted Jul 28, 2010 at The Connectedness Collaboration
a beginning
Since Rozi, Ruth and myself began this project, the idea of connection has popped up everywhere. This phenomenon is common; when a friend or family member becomes pregnant, suddenly there are babies and pregnant women everywhere! And when you are heartbroken, you notice all the couples around you, and how disgustingly happy they are. While previously there have been babies and couples, now they jump out, because your thoughts (even without your awareness) influence what you pay attention to. So now, we see the connections that are everywhere, because they are on our minds. And I like this way of... Continue reading
Posted Jul 5, 2010 at The Connectedness Collaboration
I don't know about your duct tape verdict - have you seen this prom outfit competition?
What NOT to wear this season (because you are cleary incapable of dressing yourself).
Remember when you were just a child and you lacked the requisite fine motor skills to button buttons, tie ties, lace laces or strap straps? Back then your mother, father, slightly drunken uncle Phil or fifteen-and-soon-to-be-pregnant-to-her-on-again-off-again-bricklayer-boyfriend Chantelle used ...
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