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Anna Aspnes
Aurora, Colorado
A digital artist/designer/educator creating abstract DigtialART for artists, crafters, photographers, memory keepers
Interests: I am an Artist with a Capital (and a little) A. I began my journey before I could walk, standing at my parent's coffee stable with a crayon in hand, intent on creating magic. While I deviated from this calling a number of times over the years, the desire to create has never subsided, and I have learned that all paths continue to lead back home. I see the world in a variety of colors and abstract shapes that transpire to my collections of artwork. I'm fascinated by fluctuations in texture and the fusion between differing mediums experimenting with seamless blending as well as the contrast through the use of organic boundaries. My artwork is created through combining tactile and digital techniques with a modern meets traditional approach. I create from the inside out enabling my subconscious self to direct the outcome of each new creative adventure. It is through this artistic expression that I am able to be so honest and real, enabling me to easily wear my heart on my sleeve. I am also a mother, wife, dog lover, healer, teacher, runner, wine connoisseur ,photo enthusiast and story-teller passionate about sharing an artsy approach to modern digital memory keeping. I energize members of the digital scrapbooking community and encourage, both men and women, from all age groups and walks of life, to inject artistic expression into telling their stories and photographic captures of their everyday lives. I provide memory keepers and photo enthusiasts with the tools needed to make them feel like artists and creative geniuses. I create a comprehensive range of digital products, provide the know for using them and develop strategies for getting photos and stories told in an artsy and meaningful fashion. I connect artsy people craving a different approach to documenting memories and share a decade of expertise through guest teaching, podcasts, webinars, blog post and my own educational video modules. I bring the artsy to memory keeping transcending traditional scrapbooking to a more modern photo-artistry approach.