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I'm making a second batch of the cranberry apple muffins today! they were very popular, i'm considering swapping the cranberrys for blueberries and seeing how they turn out.
Recipe #2 Raspberry Cream Tea Muffins
So recipe #2 is from the Bakefest Booklet that came with the December 2009 Canadian Living - as you can probably guess I use this magazine alot. I like the food section, one of the these days I might even subscribe! Raspberry Cream Tea Muffins, recipe found here (loving that so far the recip...
i think i'll skip this one then.
my new recipe this week was a huge success (well i liked them anyway) they have so much fruit in them that they almost seem healthy - if you discount the half cup of butter melted.
Recipe #2 Raspberry Cream Tea Muffins
So recipe #2 is from the Bakefest Booklet that came with the December 2009 Canadian Living - as you can probably guess I use this magazine alot. I like the food section, one of the these days I might even subscribe! Raspberry Cream Tea Muffins, recipe found here (loving that so far the recip...
AnnaCMassey is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 23, 2010
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