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Sydney, Australia
Social Business Designer - collaborate, communicate, create - enabling organisational effectiveness
Interests: researching, when i'm not lecturing, blogging and writing i spend most of my time training behaviourally dysfunctional dogs.
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AnneBB is now following George Parker
Jul 16, 2012
A Friend Like Me
This study quoted in Scientific American raises some interesting considerations for online "friending" behaviours - it would be a valuable extension to this research to determine if similar factors applied to social networks! A new study published September 21 in... Continue reading
Posted Sep 29, 2011 at Digital Dialogues
Sydney – Social Business Summit speakers – a snapshot :: Australia :: Headshift
As the Agenda for the first Dachis Group Social Business Summit in Sydney is being finalised, we thought a snapshot, sneak preview from some of our speakers may provide some insights into the nature of conversations that will be occurring... Continue reading
Posted Feb 15, 2011 at Digital Dialogues
Human Capital Magazine - Australia - Social media changing the game, but not the rules, for employers
Employers that take disciplinary action against an employee for posting damaging or inappropriate comments on social media sites such as Facebook can face legal - and potentially costly - ramifications if they do so without following basic workplace laws and... Continue reading
Posted Nov 26, 2010 at Digital Dialogues
PhD Comics - Your Computer Desktop
via Yep - I think that pretty much sums it up! Now - dare I photograph my PhD study - the physical space? Not today! ;-) Posted via email from annebb's posterous Continue reading
Posted Nov 26, 2010 at Digital Dialogues
Bandanna Day 29 October 2010
Posted via email from annebb's posterous Continue reading
Posted Oct 28, 2010 at Digital Dialogues
Friday Weird Science: Having trouble pooping? Maybe you should look…at your bra. | Neurotic Physiology
Friday Weird Science: Having trouble pooping? Maybe you should look…at your bra. Oct 01 2010 Published by scicurious under Friday Weird Science, Uncategorized I had another post lined up for this week, but I saw this abstract over at NCBI... Continue reading
Posted Oct 3, 2010 at Digital Dialogues
Bullfights banned in Catalan coup
"Outdated and cruel" ... a bullfight this week. Photo: Reuters BARCELONA: Catalonia's parliament has voted to ban bullfighting in the first such prohibition in mainland Spain. Regional legislators voted 68 to 55 for the ban yesterday on the grounds of... Continue reading
Posted Jul 28, 2010 at Digital Dialogues
BlogTalk 2010:Call for Papers
Call for Papers and Presentations BLOGTALK 2010 The 7th International Conference on Social Software Galway, Ireland, 26-28 August 2010 Important Dates =============== Regular paper abstracts due: 7 June 2010 (mandatory) Regular paper submissions due: 14 June 2010 Notification of... Continue reading
Posted Apr 30, 2010 at Digital Dialogues
University to Provide iPads to All New Students
via Seton Hill University will supply a new Apple iPad and a 13″ MacBook laptop to every full-time student arriving at its Greensburg, Pennsylvania, campus in fall 2010. The giveaway kicks off the small liberal arts university’s Griffin Technology... Continue reading
Posted Apr 6, 2010 at Digital Dialogues
AnneBB is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
AnneBB has shared their blog Digital Dialogues
Mar 12, 2010
All the best from the HOZ team DownUnder!
Missing you already!
Anne BB ;-)
I'm Joining Edelman
Last April I informed you that I would be making a move to join what is now known as The Dachis Group and re-locating to Austin. It was an opportunity that I felt like I could not pass up and being hand picked to join a team of this caliber was enticing to say the least. Since then, not everythi...
Yeah - the marking time management is an issue for me - I do prefer to do them all at once - but often end up in the dislocated feeling of doing what I can with what's been submitted...!
And I dislike penalties - it's negative reinforcement - and like in dog training, it's not an effective method for learning - just changing a behaviour, but not encouraging learning...
Oh - and as someone that hates being late for anything, and someone that works well to deadlines (meaning I meet them).. I have to admit being hopeless at paying bills on time... now - what does that say about my personality type?? hehehe!
ABB ;-)
Reframing Assessment #2
What is a deadline? Considering the notion of deadlines in the context of the purpose of assessment almost seems an ironic contradiction... but let's just look at what a deadline is - or isn't: What a deadline is not: it is NOT when you start your submission is NOT to be ignored you do NOT wait...
Great points Benjamin - thanks for this..!
You're absolutely right... use of powerful visual imagery can certainly enhance the message.
So - I'll amend my argument to: Ditch PowerPoint if you're going to; 1) talking with your back to the audience cos you're reading the slides, 2) using inappropriate sound effects with bullet points, 3) overuse of "flashy" bullet points, 4) too much information on a single slide, 5) too many words on a slide, 6) reading all the words on the slide to the audience (they can read too), 7) bad colour choices, 8) too many figures, graphs etc (that are impossible to read), 9)any gif images that continue to bounce around the slide while you're talking - and that will do for starters!
ABB ;-)
PowerPoint - again...
I've said it before - Ditch PowerPoint - and I will keep saying it.. but this time, I'm going to let someone else say it for me: How NOT to use PowerPoint! Thanks to Mal for locating this and brightening my weekend of marking assignments!
Hey Jess!
I think I was pretty good - I even turned off the frig for 1 hour! So I'm feeling rather virtuous!
The RSS feed is down the right hand column... under archives... it says Subscribe to this blog's feed.
Lights out today - 29 March 8pm - worldwide!
It's Earth Hour today - please remember to turn your lights, and in fact all your electrical appliances - that's your computers too - OFF - at 8pm - wherever in the world you are..! Join 28 global cities and switch off! Aalborg - Aarhus - Adelaide - Atlanta - Bangkok - Bogota - Brisbane - Canb...
I know, I know Sean - but I've rationalised it by ensuring that I have no appliances drawing energy from the mains... which is what they're measuring.. the impact on the grid!
But it does kind of feel a little like cheating.. ;-(
Lights out today - 29 March 8pm - worldwide!
It's Earth Hour today - please remember to turn your lights, and in fact all your electrical appliances - that's your computers too - OFF - at 8pm - wherever in the world you are..! Join 28 global cities and switch off! Aalborg - Aarhus - Adelaide - Atlanta - Bangkok - Bogota - Brisbane - Canb...
Hi Karen!
We won't be recording the webinars - we decided as they were more workshop based.. it would be like having to sit through someone's home videos...
However, we are looking at turning them into shorter vodcasts - available at a later date after the sessions.
Thanks for the enquiry!
ABB :-)
Learning Landscape webinar series
LTUG is presenting a series of webinars for the first half of the year that focuses on the changing learning landscape and the use of social software for learning. The first webinar will set the scene for the series: The Changing Learning Landscape Date: 27 March 2008, 4pm-5pm (Sydney time – da...
hehe - how long did that take you to write Hrlado?
BAB ;-)
Can you read this?
Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can. fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too! i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr ...
Thanks Shanel!
I owe you an email too - will be in contact soon!
Loosing your voice, finding your voice
What happens to your blog when you loose your voice? No - it's not a rhetorical question. And no, I don't mean physiologically loosing voice, like laryngitis, or from writer's block like procrastination. I mean when you just can't write due to an emotional reaction to a traumatic personal event?...
Thanks Deb.... !
ABB ;-)
Loosing your voice, finding your voice
What happens to your blog when you loose your voice? No - it's not a rhetorical question. And no, I don't mean physiologically loosing voice, like laryngitis, or from writer's block like procrastination. I mean when you just can't write due to an emotional reaction to a traumatic personal event?...
Yeah - it's a risk, I know... but I've never been one to shy away from stating a position...
And the writing process - yes, perhaps it's a timely bit of comic relief... ;-)
PS. Do you really think Santa might be influenced?
Why God never got a PhD
He had only one major publication It was in Hebrew It had no references It wasn't published in a refereed journal Some even doubt he wrote it by himself It may be true that he created the world, but what has he done since then? The scientific community has had a hard time replicating his result...
aaaah Brenda!
You must have been reading these reports too!!!
There is extensive evidence, case studies and examples of extraordinary learning experiences enhanced by technologies!
Not only that we are empowering and enriching the learners experience beyond the boundaries of classrooms and institutions and connecting them to people around the globe - surely that has to be an improvement on sitting in a classroom or lecture hall listening to some "expert" blab on about something or other...
We are creating self-directed learners, enabling them to become lifelong learners and providing them with opportunities to follow their own directions - not just a curriculum dictated by government policy.
I'm wondering where all the evidence is that classroom / didactic teaching improves learning??
ABB ;-)
How the social web came to be...
I'm currently writing a chapter for a text-book (yes, I know - traditional publishing.. but...) on Adult Teaching and Learning - my chapter is focused on e-Learning (surprise, surprise). In the process of a brief retrospective of e-Learning implementations across higher education, colleges (incl...
I don't share your concerns.
Before we added the "e" we didn't need to define people as "c-learning designers"!
Those who worked in distance education simply explained that...
But to separate the "e" from the others is deluding ourselves that incorporating technology into everything we do is not essential...
I'm an educator - I specialise in organisational learning - and learning technologies. I'm not an "e"-educator - the learning is foremost, the chosen practices and methods are secondary.
ABB :-)
The end of "e"-Learning!!
Vale "e"-Learning! Long live Learning! So - it's finally happened! I've been banging on about this (my students will be heard sighing with relief) for a couple of years now - explaining the issues with prefixes before the -Learning word and the implications and restrictions it causes... And now....
Great point - thanks for highlighting that Harold!
The multimedia principles based on the research by Richard E. Mayer is directly connected to the Cognitive Load Theory.
And the reference: e-Learning and the Science of Instruction by Ruth Clark & Richard E. Mayer is a must for non-graphic/multimedia learning designers! I give that one a 5 star rating!
Ditch PowerPoint!
Here's another report on the value (or not) of PowerPoint (Sydney Morning Herald, 4April2007). This report (although I haven't been able to find the original document being referred to) is based on research from Professor John Sweller - Faculty of Education, UNSW and his work on Cognitive Load ...
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