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Nova Scotia, Canada
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Who cares?
1 reply
He always reminds me of Benito Mussolini when he does that. Il Duce had narcissistic personality disorder too.
Toggle Commented Sep 12, 2011 on Worth a thousand words at Boker tov, Boulder!
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Today is a good day to be Canadian!
Watch out for those occupying Canadians.
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Someone just told her the amount of the national debt.
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Send all muslim prisoners to the Arctic, or the Yukon, or the Gulag. Somewhere really cold, where the environment istelf is the prison. Complete segregation is the only way to stop this type of intimidation.
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Projection, projection, projection! I am amazed they can say these things with a straight face.
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A snowstorm may prevent people from getting to work, but when did bad weather ever cause unemployment to rise? Idiotic.
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cl sandal, Kindly flog your shoes elsewhere. Maybe in Indonesia?
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Molson is the oldest brewery in North America, having been founded in 1786. "Canadian" is the name of one particular brand out of the many that Molson's offers. Yuengling has been around since 1829. I'm sure our Prime Minister will enjoy imbibing Pennsylvania's finest. Cheers!
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Pelosi looks like she belongs in Madame Tussauds Wax Museum. She always reminds me of Madame Defarge, knitting, knitting, knitting as the guillotine falls, her avid features sharp as the blade.
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Yep, blacks are so downtrodden in the USA. No opportunities, no financial support, no equality. Yeah right. Three downtrodden blacks come immediately to mind. Obama. Oprah. Tiger. I'm sure there are many, many more.
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13 Year Old Signs Verbal Commitment To Play Football At USC. With what? His tongue?
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Molson Canadian, no doubt! Great game, very exciting, a real nailbiter. But Obama should have known better. It's OUR game.
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"Why on Earth do you think that an atheist would hate Christianity but like Islam?" "One of the mysteries of life but they do." _______________________________ I beg to differ. I am an atheist, raised on Christian values, to which I still adhere. The Golden Rule is the most perfect lesson for anyone to follow. And I hate, loathe and despise muslims, and will stand with Christians against muslims, when the time comes.
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"If Europe does not soon stem the tide of Islamic invasion we will see mass destruction of our treasured art." Posted by: listingstarboard Exactly. Does anyone actually believe the Louvre, the Tate Gallery, the British Museum, the Uffizi Gallery,or any other museum in Europe is safe?
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Defiantly chosen to keep Obama alive not to mention the fact that if they both go we get Pelosi. how scary is that? Posted by: whthfk1 Thanks, whthfk1, for the nightmare I'm sure to have tonight.
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Great slapdown by Ryan. Notice the Obamanation had that middle FU finger up almost the entire time? When he wasn't picking his nose, anyway.
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Was that picture taken in a photo booth?
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What a disgrace. I think the nurses neglected patients because they were too busy rotating muslim's beds so they'd face Mecca 5 times a day! Reposted from: OVERWORKED nurses have been ordered to stop all medical work five times every day to move Muslim patients' beds so they face towards Mecca. The lengthy procedure, which also includes providing fresh bathing water, is creating turmoil among overstretched staff on bustling NHS wards. But despite the havoc, Mid- Yorkshire NHS Trust says the rule must be instigated whenever possible to ensure Muslim patients have "a more comfortable stay in hospital". And a taxpayer-funded training programme for several hundred hospital staff has begun to ensure that all are familiar with the workings of the Muslim faith. The scheme is initially being run at Dewsbury and District Hospital, West Yorkshire, but is set to be introduced at other hospitals in the new year. It comes on the back of the introduction in some NHS hospitals last year of Burka-style gowns for Muslim patients who did not wish medical staff to see their face while operating or caring for them. Turning beds so they face towards Mecca was a key proposal put forward during the hospital meetings, along with suggestions that Muslim women should only be seen by female doctors. Last night Conservative MP David Davies said: "Hospitals should be concentrating on stopping the spread of infections than kow-towing to the politically correct brigade.
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Weasel Zippers rules!
Toggle Commented Feb 25, 2010 on WZ Makes Fox News... at Weasel Zippers
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