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from Lancashire, now living in Devon
Passionate ICT Teacher and Programmer
Interests: Gadget girl, recently converted MacBook Pro user, after being PC for years! Family time is important. Shopping!
Recent Activity
I like your LIME acronym. Now just trying to link it in with the six areas of PLTS. What do you think? Another challenge maybe!
The LIME Taxonomy!
OK! Before I start I don't want any posts blaming me for plagiarism! What follows is an idea I have created using the cleaver thoughts of others'. So don't moan at me! I don't profess to have created anything new, anything different; but have taken good ideas and made them relevant. Back in Se...
You have just answered your own question about databases - creating a database about snails, slugs, clams, oysters, mussels, squids, octopuses, and nautiluses. Kids would love it, especially the boys (oh thats not pc!). You could even take them to the beach to find the Molluscs!
Deep learning and Molluscs!
A good day today. The fifth South Dartmoor Deep Learning Day of the year so far: A day off timetable for all year groups to experience other forms of learning. Today for me consisted of being part of the Heart Start group. Teaching Year 9's basic life support and CPR. A really 'fun' but seri...
Lovin Twitter, learning so much about different...
Lovin Twitter, learning so much about different Web 2.0 technologies. Continue reading
Posted Feb 9, 2010 at Chic Geek!
Anne is now following Jamie Bowring
Jan 12, 2010
Great piece of work Jamie. I have taken quite some time reading through your report and looking up some of the weblinks, some of which are new to me eg Glogs. I have used wetpaint wiki instead of weebly, but may consider setting up a weebly site now with some of my students.
Your report is undoubtedly thought provoking and I thank you for this, because it has given me creative ideas to try out on my return to school. As you know I am still a passionate ICT teacher having had 26 years of experience in the field of Computing/ICT and I look forward to reading the next chapter!
Tweets, Blog's Wiki's and Glog's
Tweets, Blogs, Wiki's and Glogs. Education around the World has embraced ICT. It has grown from the first desktop machine in the Mathematics/Technology departments, to classrooms full of computers with full Internet access and ICT forming part of the curriculum. From the ‘ICT-free’ to the ‘ICT...
Anne is now following Jamiebowring
Jan 8, 2010
Anne is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 8, 2010
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