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Ann Gonzalez
Recent Activity
Ann Gonzalez is now following It's the little things...
Apr 13, 2010
Chris, I came upon your blog and enjoy reading about your family and seeing the pictures! Great job!!! It should inspire me to blog more on mine, but it's not happening yet. I love to hear about your confidence in your parenting styles. Self doubt can be a tricky thing, and I am glad you are seeing fruit of your choices. Miss you guys a bunch!
It's the beginning!!!!
There he is! Right in the middle! This is the very beginning of yesterday's lesson. This picture was provided to me from another mom. I forgot my camera and I had to have a picture... so I waltzed right up to the mom with the best camera and said, "PLEASE!" I am so proud of him! He has no hes...
Ann Gonzalez is now following The Typepad Team
Apr 13, 2010
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