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Interests: books, music, cats, volunteering, travelling, cooking, baking, knitting, sewing, gardening
Recent Activity
Hi everyone! I decided to pick up with blogging again. I was going to start last Friday, with a Friday Cat Blogging entry, because the internet and cats were made to be together so what better topic than cats? But I would have ended up writing about my sweet little... Continue reading
Posted Feb 12, 2014 at The Second Half
Buenos dias, muchachos! It's been a while since I last blogged, even though it's a positive experience for me. I enjoy writing about the things that interest me. Also, it gives me time to think about stuff. I know when I started this blog that I said I wouldn't have... Continue reading
Posted Jun 18, 2012 at The Second Half
Today's recipe, Lemon and Dill Salmon with Spinach, comes from Stephanie O'Dea's A Year of Slow Cooking blog. I have to admit that I was hesitant about putting a nice piece of fish in the slow cooker. First, I think of fish as being more delicate and sensitive to cooking... Continue reading
Posted Jun 18, 2012 at The Second Half
UPDATE: As it turns out, other than this post, I did not blog for Knitting & Crochet Blog Week. I was on vacation that week and hoped to get back into blogging with K&B Blog Week. Unfortunately, there were connectivity issues w/our vacation spot. One, internet connectivity was spotty (occasionally... Continue reading
Posted Apr 23, 2012 at The Second Half
Happy birthday to our cute litte bun, Leo! As with Pinchita, we don't really know when Leo's birthday is so we've lumped in with some of the cats on their assigned birthday of March 15th. We also don't know how old Leo is. We thought he was 2 years old... Continue reading
Posted Apr 2, 2012 at The Second Half
Happy third birthday to our sweet, darling kitty, Pinchita! You may recall that Pinchita is the cat we adopted from Aruba a couple of years ago. She had some medical issues shortly after arrival here, the most discouraging of which was a lymphoma diagnosis and a prognosis of one or... Continue reading
Posted Mar 16, 2012 at The Second Half
So just about the time little Leo was doing poorly, Lizzie became ill, too. She had a couple of days in December where she stopped eating and started vomiting. These are alarming signs, especially from a cat who has been robustly healthy and very much a cat's cat, and certainly... Continue reading
Posted Feb 3, 2012 at The Second Half
The other day, when I blogged about Leo's recent health issues, I mentioned how I like to see him looking relaxed, comfortable and secure. I thought about that a bit and I realized that I, too, like to feel relaxed, comfortable and secure at home! Stephanie, after whom one of... Continue reading
Posted Feb 1, 2012 at The Second Half
As Charlie Brown would say, "Auuugh!" I just typed up a big long post about Leo's recent health problems and then the internet connection dropped and I lost the whole thing. Perhaps it's just as well bc the post was getting a bit wordy and involved there. Let me sum... Continue reading
Posted Jan 30, 2012 at The Second Half
So I haven't blogged in a donkey's age and yet what is the topic that compels me to blog today? Why, it's no less than the first day of 2012 on which the girls have laid (lain?) two good eggs! Here are the beauts: Because there's no good reason not... Continue reading
Posted Jan 17, 2012 at The Second Half
Normally when I've got a cold/flu/or other illness for which rest is recommended, I pop in my DVD of the 1995 version of Pride & Prejudice, starring Jennifer Ehle as the spirited Elizabeth Bennet and the handsome Colin Firth as the dashing Fitzwilliam Darcy, and settle in for a good,... Continue reading
Posted Oct 31, 2011 at The Second Half
FO Friday refers to Finished Object Friday, a meme started by a Ravelry user. It gives bloggers an excuse to blog about the fiber crafts they've finished. (There's also a WIP [Work in Progress] Wednesday, to blog about one's fiber crafts in progress.) Earlier this year, I posted about a... Continue reading
Posted Sep 30, 2011 at The Second Half
The sun has made some furtive appearances in the last few days and the cats are all over any chance of sunning themselves. Here's Lizzie in the window: And here's Ed getting some of that solar action: It was still humid when I took these pictures; it's since cooled down... Continue reading
Posted Sep 30, 2011 at The Second Half
Ick. The chickens had scaly leg mites earlier this year. Actually, I think only Michelle and Sandy had them; Stephanie looked good, although we treated her as well. Scaly leg mites. I'm feeling itchy just thinking about them. The mites live under the scales on chickens' legs. The legs then... Continue reading
Posted Sep 27, 2011 at The Second Half
The kits have so many beds strewn about the house, yet they seem to each have their favorites. It varies seasonally, too. The knit wool one is a favorite of all during cool weather. The beds in general are less popular during hot weather or when the heat's on. They... Continue reading
Posted Sep 23, 2011 at The Second Half
This past summer, a stray cat showed up at my ILs' (Jack and Fern) house. A very pregnant stray cat. She promptly settled in (with a little encouragement and housewarming on Jack and Fern's part) to a cozy spot in a small, intimate entryway between interior and exterior doors. She... Continue reading
Posted Sep 8, 2011 at The Second Half
A few weeks ago, Kevin and I went to see Bob Dylan at Convention Hall in Asbury Park. Leon Russell opened. I have to admit that I didn't really know what to expect. I've never seen Dylan or Russell live in concert and never paid attention to either's live concert... Continue reading
Posted Sep 7, 2011 at The Second Half
So this year I decided to try my hand at canning. For my first attempts, I decided to try easy stuff: canning fruit jams and some tomatoes. Not sure if I'll can plain tomatoes or can tomato stuff like salsa, sauce, etc. This year, I'll only do recipes that can... Continue reading
Posted Sep 6, 2011 at The Second Half
Pinchita likes to snuggle under the covers. Here she's snuggling between Kevin's legs and under a blanket. Football season's started and this is how Kevin and Pinchi will spend much of their time together over the next few months. Continue reading
Posted Aug 12, 2011 at The Second Half
Wow. Well, it has been a long time since I last posted. I really don't know what all happened, that is, I can't really pinpoint anything that kept me away (e.g., I didn't break all my fingers), but I'm glad to be back. Sometimes it just seems like the world... Continue reading
Posted Aug 9, 2011 at The Second Half
Oh, where is a kitty to sit? To cobble together some warmth on a cool spring evening? Miles found a perfect spot: between the radiator and the electric fireplace. Our niece, Gabi, declared him a genius when she first met him a couple of years ago. More and more, I'm... Continue reading
Posted Apr 15, 2011 at The Second Half
The girls love their bugs! One of their favorite treats is the mealworm which, according to this website, is the larvae stage of the Darkling Beetle or Tenebrio Beetle. Not my cup of tea, but that's unimportant; it's what the girls want that matters. Seems many poultry keepers raise their... Continue reading
Posted Apr 13, 2011 at The Second Half
Good afternoon, Dear Readers, including those stopping by as part of the 2nd Annual Knitting and Crochet Blog Week 2011. The blog week is actually on Day 5. Day 5's topic is an open-ended, experimental one, basically, anything you want to do. I'm not feeling the creative mojo for that... Continue reading
Posted Apr 1, 2011 at The Second Half
Aaaah, the eternal love affair between cats and yarn. I suppose it's a bit one sided, seeing as yarn is inanimate, but that doesn't seem to stop cats from loving yarn. Their love will not be denied. Predictably, my cats are unpredictable when it comes to yarn. Sometimes they'll behave... Continue reading
Posted Apr 1, 2011 at The Second Half
As mentioned the other day, this week's posts will be mostly -- possibly all -- fiber related seeing as this week is the 2nd Annual Knitting and Crochet Blog Week. Today's topic is "Tidy Mind, Tidy Stitches": How do you keep your yarn wrangling organised? It seems like an easy... Continue reading
Posted Mar 30, 2011 at The Second Half