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Carla Kurt
Recent Activity
Thank you, Pixie. I shared this on my FB page. My husband and I will do this together. The time is right to let go of old energy and embrace the light. Blessings.
Thank you to everyone who made this video come to life. My hope is that it brings vitality and energy to your Solstice ceremony, sacredness to your season, Trust in your process, and a shared belief with the women who participated that Women deserve a circle. Ritualizing release is a way to "bin...
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Mar 15, 2010
Wings 4 You Coaching Creative Life Coaching,...
Wings 4 You Coaching Creative Life Coaching, SoulCollage® Discovery, Expressive Arts Each new day brings myriad opportunities to create a fulfilling, meaningful life for yourself. Wings 4 You Coaching and its programs are designed by Carla Kurt, M.S. to support your journey to an extraordinary life - a life of joy, excitement, true meaning... and fun! Learn more at Wings 4 You Coaching! Continue reading
Posted Dec 30, 2009 at wings4youcoaching
Small Steps for the New Year
It's hard to believe that we're on the verge of a new decade! If you’re like many of us, you’ll inspired by the clean slate of New Year's Day as the perfect opportunity to make a few resolutions and some positive changes. What promises-to-self will you make? Create art every day? Write your novel? Start a business? Learn something new? Commit to a fitness program... lose weight... get out of debt... quit smoking... stop procrastinating... spend more time with friends and family... get organized... help others... build a castle in the air? The list is as endless as people are... Continue reading
Posted Dec 30, 2009 at wings4youcoaching
What a lovely contrast between the rough texture of the wool and the smooth silk! It's simple
and elegant. I like the Yeats passage as well:) carla
Inspire Me Thursday- silver
"The silver apples of the moon." W.B. Yeats A piece of silver silk layered between two pieces of gray wool and stitched with cotton thread.
So gentle and pretty!
Quiet Voices
They spoke in Quiet Voices: Original Painting For Sale Here Happy Holidays, Illustration Friday!
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