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Persuasion Architects
Brooklyn, NY
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You make some fabulous points here. As customers continue wanting unified brand experiences we as marketing keep fragmenting our marketing efforts. No wonder we are seen as more noise than relevance for customers. One point I do want to address though is that while our book Always Be Testing didn't have huge overlap with content marketing, our book Waiting for Your Cat to Bark (2006) was a very clear overlap between content marketing and conversion marketing.
A brief, hand-wavy history of marketing fragmentation
Earlier this year, I gave a presentation at Search Insider Summit on the topic of marketing mash-ups. It was a whirlwind tour of how marketing started from a single discipline and, over the years, fragmented into a dizzying array of specialties and subspecialties. It also offers a few ideas for h...
Persuasion Architects is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
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