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Edit: "Either the creatives have yet to connect with and share a vision for what could be if they only were allowed time to experiment (and fail) OR their leadership values task fulfillment over creative inspiration."
Is Your Church An Old Spice Church?
Hello ladies. Now look at your church. Now back to me. Now back at your church. Now back to me. Is your church an Old Spice church? Is mine? Let me rephrase that. I was blown away by the original thinking and creativity in this TV ad. I've been thinking about about the creative projects that I'...
Great points, Steve. More likely, many (many!) churches would rather take the route of creating a not-nearly-as-funny parody of what's truly creative and original. The reason? Either the creatives have yet to connect with and share a vision for what could be if they only were allowed time to experiment (and fail).
Part of what makes ads like this work is the creative time and planning for what could be, not what-could-be-copied.
To outsiders, creative time often looks like wasted time; inviting and educating people on the creative process is a missing priority.
Google gives their engineers “20-percent time” so that they're free to work on what they're really passionate about. Far from wasted time, this allows them to create great things like Google Suggest, AdSense for Content and Orkut.
By killing 20% of things that you're doing that are only "good", but not "great", you can find the hours you'll need.
Creatives: take your pastor to lunch and listen to his heart, passion and vision. Then frame your thinking into that context and go for the ask of more creative time.
My 2 passionate cents,
Is Your Church An Old Spice Church?
Hello ladies. Now look at your church. Now back to me. Now back at your church. Now back to me. Is your church an Old Spice church? Is mine? Let me rephrase that. I was blown away by the original thinking and creativity in this TV ad. I've been thinking about about the creative projects that I'...
Anthonycoppedge is now following The Typepad Team
Jul 9, 2010
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