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A tad grim today, are we.
Keep It Stupid, Simpleton
Nobody should be surprised that the Internet developed into nothing but a frenzied whirligig of garbage and nonsense. This is exactly what happened with books and broadcasting, after all. From the Gutenberg Bible to pulp fiction and self help paperbacks; from National Educational Television to, ...
Insist on introducing it in your wife's book club.
Going Going Gone
There is no form of existential dread quite as exquisitely dreadful as the existential dread of winning an eBay auction you do not want to win. Except, perhaps, for the existential dread of thinking you've possibly written about the existential dread of unwanted eBay victories before, although a...
Just got a like humping this post on Twitter!
You're welcome for the surge in site traffic!
Your old pal, Anti_Gnostic
Distressing Tresses
One afternoon in October of 1987, on my first day of work at a real job, Sarah the receptionist went home in a flood of tears. It was nothing to do with me, thank God. Apparently, there had been a mishap at a hairdressing salon during her lunch hour; either her hair color was now a displeasing s...
Next time your daughter cries because you ran over a cute little bunny, just remind her what that bunny would do to us if it had opposable thumbs.
Survival of the Cutest
Wild rabbits, those proverbially indiscriminate progenitors, are appearing in ever increasing numbers in my neighborhood. They compete for backyard hideaways with the gymnastic squirrels, vicious turkeys, rodents of various sizes, and the smelled but rarely spotted skunks that already inhabit th...
Anti_Gnostic is now following The Typepad Team
Apr 22, 2019
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