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Oh my GAWSH! These are absolutely incredible. One day, when I can save a little bit of $$ for myself...3 girls are quite expensive...I'll have to purchase one of your clay creations. Just beautiful! xoxo Jen
New Clay Sweeties in the Shopling♥
In a certain English ivy forest spring has swirled in. And with spring comes the yearly swan parade through the fairytale land. The elves and fairies hide amongst the green, spreading their fairy dust for all. The swans sing the most hauntingly beautiful songs as they pass by the tiny elfin vi...
Pumpkin're adorable! Not sure if I'll be able to grow any this year. We shall see what happens. Matty, poor dear. He is who he is. You're right. My cat doesn't like strangers. He hisses and has actually attacked some visitors. Eeks. He is kind of an old lady cat, really. I'm the old lady. Hehehehe.....yes indeed. You always make my heart flutter with joy. I love reading how you live your life. xoxoxo Jen
Of Sunny Days & Ruffled Petals
Hello my friends! The sunniest days of the year are upon us. The taste of warm breeze and petal air swirls madly. The first round of roses has gone as a second starts to turn up. Hollyhocks and cosmos jump in just in time. We've had the most scrumptious evenings. It's been downright chilly a...
Ooh...I love love love your parties dearie. Not sure if mine will measure up to be honest. I have no tea party goods. It's kind of an essay for my daughter who has been through a lot this school year. Once you post the rules, I'll see if I will participate. Congrats on the magazine cover! So well deserved! xo Jen
The Country Register + Tea Party Season (Winners Announced Below)
It's almost time for Mad Tea Party season, isn't it? I just started getting those magical tugs of belly excitement. Through the looking glass beckons. Dreams and stories and other times swirl about. Choosing porcelain and fancies for the occasion. Sparkles and fairy tales galore. Fortune... is now following The Typepad Team
Jun 15, 2016
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