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B. Grissom
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TUGG and You Shall Receive
Ever wish that a movie you really wanted to see was playing at a near by theatre or even playing in theatres at all? Thanks to movie executive Nicolas Gonda, such a thing can be possible. Gonda created a movie distribution business, known as Tugg, to allow movie goers to choose what movie they want to see at a theatre near them. He stated, according to Buffalo News, that: "In the past, movie theaters have been forced to be somewhat narrow in their programming, now, with Tugg, they can be as diverse as the interests and the imaginations of the... Continue reading
Posted Apr 30, 2012 at Global Media News
Spotify: Reaching Out to the Global Market
At a press event in New York City the founder and CEO of Spotify, Daniel Ek, announced that they will be partnering up with the beverage giant, Coca Cola. The purpose of the unlikely partnership is to promote the music service on a global scale as well as advertise Coca Cola to bring up revenue. To join forces with a hundred plus year old company that is known world wide would be considered by many as the collaboration of a life time. Yet, Ek expressed that, "this partnership is just as important as the Facebook relationship for us" as reported... Continue reading
Posted Apr 23, 2012 at Global Media News
Times of London Sued for Hacking
The Times of London newspaper is being sued by detective Richard Horton, who wrote an unauthorized, anonymous blog about police work, for hacking into his e-mail account in 2009 and revealing his identity. Richard Horton created the Night Jack Blog on which he discussed the policing in Britain and how reporters fear the authority to the point where they demand that their names go unmentioned according to the Huffington Post. It wasn't until 2009, reported by the New York Times, that Horton's identity was revealed. However, when Horton's lawyer, Mark Lewis, first made the allegation that his client's Hotmail account... Continue reading
Posted Apr 16, 2012 at Global Media News
Anonymously Hacked
Since 2006, a hacker group going by the name of Anonymous, has been fighting in the name of free access to information and free speech on the internet. The group, who consists of people spread across the globe, came into prominence by openly supporting the release of classified documents through Wikileaks. It wasn't until they hacked the Sony Play Station system that they became noticed. The group, according to Reuters, has attacked several government and financial websites from all over the world such as the United States, China and the U.K. In recent news, China is currently trying to fix... Continue reading
Posted Apr 9, 2012 at Global Media News
Free Speech Furor... In the U.S.??
Berkeley police chief, Michael Meehan, is under heavy scrutiny after sending a sergeant to the home of an Oakland Tribune reporter trying to force him to change an article. According to the Oakland Tribune, after reading an article written about him, Meehan felt that the wrong information was displayed. He took the matter into his own hands and dispatched sergeant, Mary Kusmiss to reporter Doug Oakley's home sometime after 12 a.m. The New York Times reports that many of the Berkeley residents want Meehan to resign simply because he violated the First Amendment of free speech and press. Yet, he... Continue reading
Posted Apr 2, 2012 at Global Media News
Pakistan to Put Up Censorship Wall
For those living in Pakistan, censorship of the media is something known all too well. Whether it be tv, radio, journalism, or the internet nothing can get past the government's censors. The Pakistani government has placed laws against any material they find blasphemous or sexual. Back in September of 2008, Zafar Abbas, the Resident Newspaper editor for Islamabad, talks about why there is a need for censorship of the different medias in Pakistan: Zafar Abbas on Censorship Just as Abbas said, the issue of what can and cannot be put out to the public by news papers and television stations... Continue reading
Posted Mar 12, 2012 at Global Media News
Bill of Rights for the Internet
I am sure there are many people who have dreamed about ways to regulate the internet but have yet to figure out how to do so. Well in recent reports, President Barack Obama is stepping up to the plate and issuing a "Bill of Rights" for the internet, according to the Frances Robinson of the Wall Street Journal. However, many have questioned how exactly will these rights be enforced and interpreted? The President's effort to regulate the effort can only be described as well-timed. Being that Google and Apple's privacy standards have been making headlines repeatedly. For instance, Apple apps... Continue reading
Posted Feb 27, 2012 at Global Media News
Welcome Back Clinton!!
No, unfortunately the former U.S. President, Bill Clinton, will not be returning to the spotlight. Instead, reports have said that his daughter, Chelsea Clinton will be signing back on with NBC. The Washington Post's reporter, Erik Wemple, has reported that Clinton will be signing back with NBC after initially having a 90 day contract with them back in December. She was initially debuted on NBC in December reporting on an Arkansas non profit group for Brian Williams's prime time news show "Rock Center." With her new contract she will be highlighting inspiring news stories for the network's "Making a Difference"... Continue reading
Posted Feb 20, 2012 at Global Media News
Washington Post Offers Journalists the Boot
Wouldn't it be a dream to get paid to leave your job? Well for some Washington Post employees, that dream may be all too real. On Wednesday, February 8th, the Post sent a mass email to all of it's newsroom staff, which Jim Romenesko of has posted on his blog, announcing that they will be offering buyout plans. According to Washington Post reporter Steve Mufson, this is the fifth attempt to reduce its staff due to the decline in circulation and advertising of newspapers. While many of the Post's journalists know this issue could result in leaving many jobless... Continue reading
Posted Feb 13, 2012 at Global Media News
Are You Being Watched??
It's believed by many people that in order to keep their homes or workplaces secure, some kind of security device is needed. However, in the technologically advanced world of today, many people are finding ways to hack into these security devices, specifically cameras, and spy on people in the privacy of their homes and workplaces. So I pose this question: Who's Watching You?? A blog called Console Cowboys brought to the attention of many that some models of a home security camera made by the company Trendnet can be hacked into. The blog even went as far as to post... Continue reading
Posted Feb 6, 2012 at Global Media News
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