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Lawyer, linguist, communication coach, brain alchemist, mining social neuroscience for insights on how to captivate, engage and influence
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Look for me at The Brain Alchemist
The Brain Alchemist is my new blog that I started on a new platform a few months ago. I explore and write about neuroscience, communication, social media and content strategies that boost learning, engagement and influence. Click here to check... Continue reading
Posted Aug 12, 2010 at Lawsagna
As I understand, new neurons can be used in memory-forming circuits to learn new information and form more memories. Some studies involved spatial learning, for example. But if new neurons are not needed, they won't survive - the "use it or lose it" principle. There is a good article on this topic at SharpBrains:
Brain Awareness Week: 15 Amazing Examples of Neuroplasticity in Action
It's Brain Awareness Week, and today I want to remind you of how amazing your brain is and how much of its vitality depends on what you do with it every day. If you ever doubt your ability to change, or feel stuck in your old ways, or wonder if it's too late, what I am about to share with you ma...
Join me for "The Art and Science of Influential Communication"
"A Master Mind is the harmonious alliance of two or more minds that create a friendly environment to gather, classify and organize new information for fast and effective implementation." ~ Napoleon Hill Do you want to be an influential communicator... Continue reading
Posted Jun 2, 2010 at Lawsagna
Brains Driven to Distraction: The Urge to Search
If your typical day feels like a rush of harried interactions and distractions, you are not alone. The prevalence of virtual communication makes it easy to leave a conversation mid-sentence as soon as our attention is highjacked by another urgent... Continue reading
Posted Apr 29, 2010 at Lawsagna
How to deal with negativity and your cynical brain
Have you ever been in a situation when you need to do something but feel resistance? Negativity gremlins are whispering in your ear: "Who do you think you are?" or "You are not good enough." If your gremlins happen to... Continue reading
Posted Apr 22, 2010 at Lawsagna
You don't need to meditate for hours to improve concentration
Studies have shown that meditation techniques can promote significant changes in brain areas associated with concentration. However, initial experiments involved well-trained meditators. For instance, in his collaboration with the Dalai Lama, Richard Davidson, a neuroscientist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison,... Continue reading
Posted Apr 19, 2010 at Lawsagna
7 Barriers to Active Listening: Why we don’t listen as well as we could
"As a leader you have to be a really good listener. You need to know your own mind but there is no point in imposing your views on others without some debate. No one has a monopoly on good ideas... Continue reading
Posted Mar 22, 2010 at Lawsagna
Brain Awareness Week: 15 Amazing Examples of Neuroplasticity in Action
It's Brain Awareness Week, and today I want to remind you of how amazing your brain is and how much of its vitality depends on what you do with it every day. If you ever doubt your ability to change,... Continue reading
Posted Mar 18, 2010 at Lawsagna
Anastasia is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
What Should You Do When the Debt Collector Calls? by Guest Blogger Sergei Lemberg
Attorney Sergei Lemberg, who specializes in fair debt collection law is sitting in the guest blogger’s chair today. Lemberg is the head of Lemberg & Associates, LLC, a team of attorneys located in several states across the country who specialize... Continue reading
Posted Mar 15, 2010 at Lawsagna
How to manage your personal energy if you are a "control freak"
Do you consider yourself a "control freak"? If so, you may have trouble managing your personalRunners energy and tend to burn out faster, according to a study by Dr. Danit Ein-Gar of Tel Aviv University's Recanati Graduate School of Business... Continue reading
Posted Mar 12, 2010 at Lawsagna
Destination memory: Why we repeat ourselves
Are you tired of hearing the same story told by the same person over and over again? Chances are you also repeat yourself and may not even know it. Dr. Nigel Gopie and Dr. Colin MacLeod of the University of... Continue reading
Posted Jan 12, 2010 at Lawsagna
I'd say you need a new realistic plan to see how much you must do each day to get yourself as prepared as you can in terms of reading, reviewing and practice. Then stick to this new plan. Make sure you get enough breaks between studies and good sleep because that's when our brain forms memories of what we learn during the day. Use associations, mnemonics, pictures to better remember the material (you can find examples of how to do it on this blog). Condense everything into summaries/outlines of the most essential points and review them periodically as you go. Good luck!
Strategies and tools to plan your exam preparation
When you have about a week left before your exams start, how can you ensure that you have enough time to cover everything you need? (As if you ever have enough time for anything in law school…) I found the answer in Granularity for students by It describes the application of the...
Happy Holidays [Video]
Happy Holidays! I've recorded this brief video message to thank you and wish you a great holiday season and a fantastic New Year, filled with joy, love and prosperity. Continue reading
Posted Dec 21, 2009 at Lawsagna
Media multitaskers are more susceptible to distractions
Media multitasking is increasingly common in this day and age. If all this flow of information makes it hard for you to pay attention and stay focused, you are not alone. According to new research by EyalOphir, Clifford Nass, and... Continue reading
Posted Dec 17, 2009 at Lawsagna
Another reason to avoid online distractions
Computer screen pop-ups may slow down your work more than you think, according to new research, reported in Science Daily. While the distraction may last only for a moment, it takes more time to get back to the original task.... Continue reading
Posted Dec 8, 2009 at Lawsagna
How to Overcome Procrastination and Overwhelm
It's this time of the year again when we look at what we have accomplished so far and start planning for the upcoming year. The unfortunate side effect of this time is that we often put too much pressure on... Continue reading
Posted Dec 4, 2009 at Lawsagna
WDF, these are all great strategies. I'd add, it helps to focus on the benefits of the process itself. There is always something to be learned from the process, regardless of the results. Also, the more we feel in control of the process, the easier it is to feel engaged, so setting up your personal goals and benchmarks for success helps too.
If you want to improve focus, ask these two questions
"What we call thinking is also a process whereby psychic energy gets ordered. Emotions focus attention by mobilizing the entire organism in an approach or an avoidance mode. Goals do it by providing images of desired outcomes. Thoughts order attention by producing sequences of images that are...
Brains Benefit From Multilingualism
Various studies have explored the link between the ability to use more than one language and improved cognitive function and thinking. Now, for the first time, the research team appointed by the European Commission conducted an analysis of scientific literature,... Continue reading
Posted Nov 30, 2009 at Lawsagna
I couldn't delete a third-party widget from my design - content page.
Tell us why you are switching back
Let us know what you think of the new TypePad Help us improve the new TypePad by providing feedback. While we read absolutely everything that is posted here, we do not reply to all feedback. If you expect an answer, please open a Support ticket and our awesome TypePad One team will assist you. ...
How To Think Clearly Under Pressure
About a week ago, I was at a seminar conducted by David Rock, the author of the recently published book "Your Brain at Work: Strategies for Overcoming Distraction, Regaining Focus, and Working Smarter All Day Long." It was an engaging... Continue reading
Posted Nov 12, 2009 at Lawsagna
Meditate NYC : Free Meditation Instruction at Open Houses Throughout NYC, November 9 – 15
Meditate NYC begins on Sunday, November 8 with an afternoon of meditation instruction by Buddhist teachers from a great variety of traditions. The event is free and open to all. Meditate NYC's kick-off will be followed by a full week... Continue reading
Posted Nov 5, 2009 at Lawsagna
Anastasia has shared their blog Lawsagna
Nov 2, 2009
I updated the post to include the file with the answers. Best, Anastasia
Puzzle your brain
Scientists believe that solving crossword puzzles promotes mental fitness and helps the body to cope with stress and fight illnesses. This mental activity increases the number of brain neuromodulators, preventing memory deterioration. But what about making crossword puzzles for the subject mat...
Thank you, Cheryl!
And your work makes our lives more brain-friendly :) With our limited working memory capacity, we need plain language!
The best smell for your brain: the science of olfaction and emotion
What comes to mind if I ask you to imagine that you are at the following places: a bakery, a candle store, a hospital, a rose garden, a perfume counter? One of your associations is likely to be the sensation of smell because all of the places above have strong aromas. Does it feel like...
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