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aram sinnreich
Recent Activity
Dubistry live in NJ [video]
My band Dubistry just played a show at Tierney's Tavern in Montclair, NJ. Because it was the 1-year anniversary of Prince's passing, we closed with a rare cover song — Purple Rain. Dunia brought the house down. Here's the full... Continue reading
Posted May 3, 2017 at Aram Sinnreich
Editorial Cartoon: "America First"
Posted May 3, 2017 at Aram Sinnreich
Our Faces Have Become QR Codes. Now What?
Posted May 3, 2017 at Aram Sinnreich
Mercy In the Midst of War
Posted May 3, 2017 at Aram Sinnreich
Panel Discussion: Newsfeeds, Algorithms, Content Moderation, and Ethics [video]
In January, I helped to co-organize and moderate a panel on fake news, algorithms, and the challenges facing the public sphere in the digital era. The panel was co-sponsored by ISOC DC (where I serve as an advisor) and American... Continue reading
Posted May 3, 2017 at Aram Sinnreich
Dubistry live at the Shrine 1-14-17 [video]
My band Dubistry played a great show at our favorite NYC music venue, The Shrine, on Saturday night. You can check out the whole show here, thanks to our friend Julie! Continue reading
Posted Jan 17, 2017 at Aram Sinnreich
New music: "Full Grown Love" by Low Lily
I've been absurdly fortunate to collaborate with some great musicians over the years. One of my longest, and most fruitful, collaborations has been with Flynn Cohen, the composer and stringed instrumentalist, with whom I've been writing songs for over 20... Continue reading
Posted Nov 13, 2016 at Aram Sinnreich
New journal issue on #SciFi and "futuretypes" (free to read and share)
Posted Nov 7, 2016 at Aram Sinnreich
Fighting Off the Madness With Music (updated)
Posted Jul 22, 2016 at Aram Sinnreich
Led Zeppelin and musical copyright
Posted Jun 18, 2016 at Aram Sinnreich
Do social media giants control the future of news? [video]
Last week, I appeared on Al-Jazeera's show "The Stream," for a panel discussion surrounding the recent dust-up over Facebook's allegedly biased "trending" news story policies. My co-panelists were Christopher Mims, Trevor Timm, and Kate Gardiner. It was a good conversation... Continue reading
Posted May 24, 2016 at Aram Sinnreich
What can internet users learn about #surveillance from the incarcerated?
Posted May 2, 2016 at Aram Sinnreich
Death and Social Media
Posted May 2, 2016 at Aram Sinnreich
Aram interviews Douglas Adams in 1998 [audio]
Posted Mar 4, 2016 at Aram Sinnreich
New @Dubistry Album: Lovers Rock, With A Twist
Posted Dec 8, 2015 at Aram Sinnreich
New data on configurable culture, remix ethics, & copyright [video]
Earlier this week, I gave a talk at the American University Faculty Forum, in which I shared brand new, not-yet-published data from my ongoing series of international surveys about the awareness, consumption, creation, attitudes and ethics of "configurable" cultural forms... Continue reading
Posted Nov 5, 2015 at Aram Sinnreich
Listen: Gorgeous New Album by Low Lily
My good friends Flynn Cohen and Liz Simmons have an amazing traditional/celtic/folk band called Low Lily, which just released a gorgeous new self-titled album. I wrote one of the songs on it with Flynn, called "All Roads Lead To You,"... Continue reading
Posted Sep 2, 2015 at Aram Sinnreich
ISIS's Post-Postmodern Information Warfare
Last week, I published a new article in Truthdig, examining the dangers of ISIS's recent destruction of the ancient city of Palmyra in light of the history of information warfare. It's not my normal beat, but the idea came to... Continue reading
Posted Sep 2, 2015 at Aram Sinnreich
This is a piece of hysterical, disinformative propaganda, and I'm appalled that Hypebot would reprint it.
The claim that digital "piracy" has "cost hundreds of thousands of jobs and hundreds of billions in lost revenue in this country alone" is spurious and has been thoroughly debunked by multiple sources including Congress's Government Accountability Office. In my book The Piracy Crusade, I review and debunk these claims in detail. You can read this section of the book for free here:
Furthermore, the suggestion that free music sharing via Grooveshark or any other internet service is largely or solely responsible for any measurable downturn in music sales revenues is highly debatable, and the real economic story is far more nuanced and interesting -- a "perfect bubble" in the 1990s followed by a "perfect storm" in the 2000s, having little to do with free online distribution as a causal factor. My analysis is freely available here:
Incidentally, the entirety of my book "The Piracy Crusade," which I wrote specifically in order to combat disinformation such as this article, can be downloaded freely from the internet here:, or if you feel so inclined, purchased from Amazon here:
Epic Fail: The War On Piracy
The final chapter in the long, sordid story of the pirate site, Grooveshark, finally played out in a New York Courtroom last week. The principals, after years of litigation, have finally shut down their website and signed an agreement stating they will never own or operate a pirate site again ...
New interview on Hypebot
Last week, I was interviewed by my music industry research geek brother-from-another-mother Kyle Bylin. The interview, which was part of the Upward Spiral podcast, was also published on Hypebot. You can read an excerpt here, or stream the whole thing... Continue reading
Posted Mar 17, 2015 at Aram Sinnreich
New survey: scholars aren't exercising their #fairuse rights
This past year, I've had the pleasure and privilege to work on a series of research projects about copyright and fair use with the woman who literally wrote the book on the subject, Pat Aufderheide of American University. One of... Continue reading
Posted Mar 3, 2015 at Aram Sinnreich
How much do creators really make from recorded music?
Posted Dec 5, 2014 at Aram Sinnreich
My #NetNeutrality Op-Ed in the Bergen Record
Posted Nov 16, 2014 at Aram Sinnreich
Henry Jenkins interview
Last week, media scholar, aca-fan and all around badass Henry Jenkins published a 3-part interview with me about my book The Piracy Crusade. This is probably the most thorough interview yet; not only is it pretty long, but the questions... Continue reading
Posted Nov 14, 2014 at Aram Sinnreich
Incodification (IR15 talk with Jessa Lingel)
This week, I was in Daegu, Korea for Internet Research 15 (my first time at the conference!). I presented a paper with my friend, Rutgers SC&I alumna and Microsoft Research New England researcher Jessa Lingel. Our subject was surveillance. Specifically,... Continue reading
Posted Oct 25, 2014 at Aram Sinnreich
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