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In a Cozy Chair
Writing a story is like creating a Storm...
Interests: arashi, fanfiction, fanvideos, ohno satoshi, jdrama, jmusic,
Recent Activity
yeah, it's been awhile since i posted on typepad (i just don't care really. LJ is my main site) XDD ok, here's the result one night of just wondering, searching the internet to see if anyone else thought of it, and no one did, so i made it. ^^ DRAMATIC... Continue reading
Posted Oct 15, 2010 at ArashiLovesYou's blog
Arashi Orchestra!
you may have heard of some before, right? a medley or collection of arashi songs made into orchestral version. i've heard a few already, but i think this one is my favorite. i just thought i'd like to share this with you all, if interested. can you name all the... Continue reading
Posted Sep 18, 2010 at ArashiLovesYou's blog
Am I Psychic? Nino in Jun's drama!
you must have heard by now, right? Nino will be the guest appearance in Matsujun's Natsu no Koi drama, final episode. Ain't that ironic! XD i made a drabble fanfic for nino's birthday, and one of drabbles happen to be about nino asking jun to be have a cameo in... Continue reading
Posted Sep 17, 2010 at ArashiLovesYou's blog
Non-Arashi Related (but if love you Ikuta Toma...)
this is totally non-arashi related, but it's still a johnny's! and i LOOOVE Ikuta Toma! XD yeah, yeah, i know..."what are you doing dillydally!? hurry up and post that new chapter to your fanfic!" i can't help it! i stumbled across this so awesome and cool video! a commercial to... Continue reading
Posted Sep 14, 2010 at ArashiLovesYou's blog
sure sure, i don't mind.
i also noticed you added me on livejournal. i'll add you too.
i still prefer LJ over typepad tho, but thanks again!
First Post on TypePad
This is so confusing!!! T___T So, there's a blog page where you can edit your layout and everything. Kinda like LiveJournal. And THEN there's the dashboard where you can see recent activity or something, kinda like twitter. But what I'm trying to look for, is an easy way to see all posts made by...
i'm glad you can still upload these videos! ^^
"winnie the pooh, nino the pooh. willy nilly silly boy brat!" XDD
20100911 Arashi ni Shiyagare~
Not a fantastic episode, but watch it for Kazu & the bees Next week is a recap special Enjoy~
ArashiLovesYou is now following TenjoStyle
Sep 10, 2010
yeee! i'm glad you like it! ><
he's in my head all the time XDD
See What Happens When I Don't Sleep!
What the title says! XD First! I get distracted by watching a bunch of anime convention videos of my favorite voice actor, Vic Mignogna. Then I watch a bunch of arashi fanvids, and THEN i stay up late at night to finish only a short vid of my own. >< well what are you to complain? fanvid is the ...
See What Happens When I Don't Sleep!
What the title says! XD First! I get distracted by watching a bunch of anime convention videos of my favorite voice actor, Vic Mignogna. Then I watch a bunch of arashi fanvids, and THEN i stay up late at night to finish only a short vid of my own. ><... Continue reading
Posted Sep 9, 2010 at ArashiLovesYou's blog
ArashiLovesYou is now following athida
Sep 5, 2010
ArashiLovesYou is now following Kiiroi Namida
Sep 5, 2010
haha, believe it, it goes even further than that!
but because of the limit searches i could do for the video, i have to cut it short.
if you want to know the REAL story...
i actually knew about arashi and didn't get baited immediately! O_O
i first found out about toma from hana kimi, and then i followed shun oguri to gokusen, where i found matsujun, which lead me to hana yori dango. so this is where many fans convert to arashi, right? but i didn't! i even watched the WISH pv and found out matsujun was singer. but at the time, i was embarrassed to look at boy bands, but i was curious and typed 'arashi' on youtube, and that time, Truth was the new PV, but i only listened to the music and not watch the video cuz i was embarrassed to look at boy bands. so i thought the song was cool, but i ignored them for awhile.
after some time, i followed toma to maou. and i had no idea that Truth was the theme song, so i was all :O when they play the song. and that's how i found out that hot lawyer name ohno satoshi was a singer too. heehee!
and i'm no longer embarrassed of liking boy bands ^^
sorry for the long reply. i just wanted to share my story ^^
This is too cute >
This is a video i made from youtube's google search stories. this is my story of how i became an arashi fan. this is how it aaaallll started ^^ my channel: Discovering Ohno Satoshi
ok first of all, it took me a good 15 minutes just to find the reply button! and then i was being such an idiot what to do when i finally found the reply button cuz there was no box to type, that's when i realized i had to sign on AGAIN, or something...-____-
i guess, typepad is trying to add ALL the features of other major blog sites into one...
UGH! typepad! you're so not my main blogging site!!
ok, the blog page kinda looks like vox, ne. i'm not sure if i'm the person you should ask, but what i did was click on dashboard, then on the right where it says 'manage your blog' there are options, and then click design and go from there.
basically, i'm just randomly clicking places, trying to know where is where.
but i'm still not loving typepad. >:(
First Post on TypePad
This is so confusing!!! T___T So, there's a blog page where you can edit your layout and everything. Kinda like LiveJournal. And THEN there's the dashboard where you can see recent activity or something, kinda like twitter. But what I'm trying to look for, is an easy way to see all posts made by...
ArashiLovesYou is now following Liz
Sep 4, 2010
ArashiLovesYou is now following carlitasho arashi love
Sep 3, 2010
ArashiLovesYou is now following yurie
Sep 3, 2010
ArashiLovesYou is now following chashaopao
Sep 3, 2010
ArashiLovesYou is now following tsukaya
Sep 3, 2010
ArashiLovesYou is now following Shirahime26
Sep 3, 2010
ArashiLovesYou is now following shanah
Sep 3, 2010
ArashiLovesYou is now following Andii
Sep 3, 2010
ArashiLovesYou is now following Pi-chan
Sep 3, 2010
ArashiLovesYou is now following Connie (SWeetstore)
Sep 3, 2010
ArashiLovesYou is now following Account Deleted
Sep 3, 2010
ArashiLovesYou is now following Account Deleted
Sep 3, 2010
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