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Posted Dec 5, 2009 at ashleydaugherty's blog
ashleydaugherty is now following Black-Eyed Suzie
Aug 27, 2009
I know what you mean about hot weather. It's just now getting very humid and gross here in Kentucky. Pierette looks beautiful. I love how her red hair stands out against her blue dress and eyes. Have fun on your two week vacation!
1 reply
John Wilmot turned out great. I really like how you captured his cleft chin and serious glare. I also love that you are getting to put pets with some of you dolls now. The monkey was a great touch.
Toggle Commented Aug 10, 2009 on Bawdy Boy at Black-Eyed Suzie Art Dolls and Oddities
1 reply
I'd never thought of "The Libertine" with Johnny Depp. It's been a while since I've seen that movie. Melanie had a good guess. Lady Ying eyes are amazing! She's got such a great expression on her face. Wonderful job.
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When I heard about the Alice in Wonderland movie I was excited too. It's been one of my favorite childhood movies. I really enjoyed Coraline. I wish I could have seen it in 3D. It is slightly different than the book. But the art that went into it the film was amazing. The next themes your thinking of sound very fun. Can wait to see what you come up with next month.
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Sarah I'm sorry to hear about your bike accident. I hope you have fast recovery. I'm so excited about your shop update! I can't wait!
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I love the colors you've done with Juliet. She turned out beautiful. I can't wait to see what you did with A Midsummer Night's Dream.
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Congrats on becoming free to make dolls and writing your book. I hope in the future I'll get to do the same thing. Also, I can't wait to see the Shakespeare character series!
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Katika is magnificent. I also love the story of Mr. F and Foxy. My husband & I have a lovely cat name Tori. Over a year ago we moved in the house we are in now and found that the cats on our street like to come lay around on our porch. We found it a little strange at first. But we think they just know we like cats. Or Tori has told them how we adopted her from an animal shelter. Causing cat meows around town. :)
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I really like Oscar. You did a wonder job capturing his apparence and his really cool cloths.
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Oh, I love Rosalind! She came out so beautiful. Great work! Hopefully you get your computer situation fixed soon.
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You've done a great job catching the likeness once again. I love the tiny hoop and multiple stud earrings on the wife. It's something that I haven't seen you do before. The husband is adorable with his big brown sad eyes.
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I'm going to put The House of the Seven Gables on my list of books I want to read. It sounds really good. You've done a wonderful job with Diana's doll.
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I can't wait to see Ophelia finished. The pattern you've used on Ophelia dress is awesome.
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The pendant turned out beautiful Sarah. I can't wait to see more to come.
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