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Ariadna shared a video on YouTube
at Post the Love
Mar 2, 2010
OMG i love the story, is very touching and true. sometimes we dont tell the people we love what they truly mean to us because we either see them everyday and we take them for granted or because we are so busy we dont take the time. I'm going to be a teacher and you just gave me a great idea, i have one of my teaching lessons already done ; )
I know this story was just posted 9 days ago, but...
I know this story was just posted 9 days ago, but if there are any new people, I think this is one of the most powerful stories I have ever read. It brought me to tears. ------- One day a teacher asked her students to list the names of the other students in the room on two sheets of paper, leavin...
the video is great, u son looks like a very fun, outgoing child, he is soo cute god bless him, ur husband ( who i wish the best and i hope he comes home ASAP) and you ( cause i know how hard it is to have the person you love so far away.
My Daddy..My Hero
I just got back from a memorial service for one...
I just got back from a memorial service for one friend's 20 year old son. He was vacationing in Hawaii with his girlfriend and her family, having the time of his life & a sudden storm came up he sent his girlfriend to shore and said he would be there shortly but then shortly became never. Search ...
So you all know that i`m engaged to one of the...
So you all know that i`m engaged to one of the best guys ever!!! Well we have news and we could not be anymore happier, we are expecting a BABY i`m pregnant!!!
Thanks Chan for this opportunity, to share to...
Thanks Chan for this opportunity, to share to express our feelings, and is true what you say, we don't say I LOVE YOU as often as we should, and sometimes our life is soo crazy that we forget what really... Continue reading
Posted Feb 28, 2010 at Post the Love
Ariadna is now following Channing Tatum
Feb 28, 2010
Ariadna is now following The Typepad Team
Feb 28, 2010
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