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Jack Katz
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Jan 25, 2010
Jack Katz is now following Bill Cosby
Jan 25, 2010
I have another question, please.
Once you've purchased a ticket and are at the airport several hours early (because your business wrapped up earlier) why do they ask for a $65 fee to get you on an earlier flight? Obviously the seats are available and it only takes a few keystrokes to accomodate you...yet they ask for a hefty fee. Their is NO additional cost to the airline.
Don't they ralize that they are alienating their current customers who will bear this resentment when making future air travel plans? I know the carriers are hard-up for additional income, but is this the way to do it?
Can somebody help me with this? Thanks
As for the increasing baggage fees on Delta and...
As for the increasing baggage fees on Delta and Continental...they can kiss me goodbye. It's the reason to prefer bag fees.
As for the increasing baggage fees on Delta and...
As for the increasing baggage fees on Delta and Continental...they can kiss me goodbye. It's the reason to prefer bag fees. Continue reading
Posted Jan 12, 2010 at Jack Katz's blog
Jack Katz
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Posted Jan 12, 2010 at Jack Katz's blog
Jack Katz is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 12, 2010
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