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so after all those uwasa and guesses the new singl... Continue reading
Posted Sep 26, 2010 at Girls, be ambitious
hahaha true! all of them are in english!
i didnt notice that =p
akb...oh well :(
another single coming soon?!
there has been a rumors saying the boys will sing the theme song for nino's drama... and the title of the song is 'on home' if this is true then it will be the 6th single of this year O_O but j-storm what does 'on home' means hahahahahaha ----------- EDIT: just saw it in 2ch it seems like there ...
re yuui1010
i have seen quite a few version of the name..on home, one home, home, my home...etc lol
i guess we will just have to wait for the actually news to release
but i reakson one home sounds like the real name!
another single coming soon?!
there has been a rumors saying the boys will sing the theme song for nino's drama... and the title of the song is 'on home' if this is true then it will be the 6th single of this year O_O but j-storm what does 'on home' means hahahahahaha ----------- EDIT: just saw it in 2ch it seems like there ...
another single coming soon?!
there has been a rumors saying the boys will sing the theme song for nino's drama... and the title of the song is 'on home' if this is true then it will be the 6th single of this year O_O but j-storm what does 'on home' means hahahahahaha ----------- EDIT:... Continue reading
Posted Sep 22, 2010 at Girls, be ambitious
lubia is now following Account Deleted
Sep 12, 2010
lubia is now following Belly 櫻井
Sep 12, 2010
lubia is now following naid
Sep 12, 2010
「サダメくんのファンが存在した。そして、 死んだ。」 gosh i love うぬぼれ刑事 XDDD... Continue reading
Posted Sep 12, 2010 at Girls, be ambitious
oh i mix up =p
it should be nino went to kyoto for nintendo's factory and tokyo for ghibli
and he played 'new super mario brothers wii' with them and nino won!
i know it's nearly impossible but i really hope i can grab a copy of this book T_T この本欲しいな~ 一般発売して欲しいよ~ oh and btw according to my friend it seems like nino went to the factory of nintendo in this book lol
re matsubunny:
yup! it seems like he went there to talk about mario lol
and he also went to kyoto for ghibli and had an interview with miyazaki hayao :3
i know it's nearly impossible but i really hope i can grab a copy of this book T_T この本欲しいな~ 一般発売して欲しいよ~ oh and btw according to my friend it seems like nino went to the factory of nintendo in this book lol
hahaha according to some repo that i read riida went to harappa in aomori and made some folkcraft there
i know it's nearly impossible but i really hope i can grab a copy of this book T_T この本欲しいな~ 一般発売して欲しいよ~ oh and btw according to my friend it seems like nino went to the factory of nintendo in this book lol
EXILE, 戸田恵梨香, 小栗旬 and 成宮寛貴...i can't wait to see that ep! <333
hopefully exile and arashi will do some dance collaboration...
maybe ti amo? lol
Full of Sp shows
Well we know there is Shiyagare sp soon, VsArashi also, and also Himitsu! But the day the Himitsu no Arashi-chan special is shown there are sooo many specials, so im kinda worried if it will do good @_@ 10/07木 19:00-20:54 NTV ぐるナイ秋のゴチ2時間スペシャル(VIP…長谷川京子・佐藤健/岡村代役…東野幸治) 10/07木 21:00-23:09 NTV 秘密の...
i know it's nearly impossible but i really hope i ... Continue reading
Posted Sep 11, 2010 at Girls, be ambitious
hi tenjo-san this is lu-chan from vox!
i'm so glad to see you here as well! <333
i added you on lj as well and i'm arlulu there as well lol
hope we can keep in touch!
I will update on Livejournal
Hi! I moved my Vox stuff here, but I will upload only livejournal. I hope I can add everyone here, I don't want to lost any contact >_< See you there ^_^
thankyou so much! :3
[Audio recording] Kokuritsu 20100903
Ok, this is the little gift that I was saying to share with everyone (thanks for following me) It is the full concert audio recording for 3rd day in Kokuritsu & the quality is quite good, minus the hysterical screaming when the boys were on the moving stage & I really had very noisy neighbours t...
i'm currently using my vox acc to signin as well...
since typepad support vox acc so i think even though vox closed down you can still use your vox id to sign in :D
Something's been bugging me...
Does everyone here use their vox accounts to log in? What if vox closes down, will typepad still accept sign up through vox? HELP! :c
lubia is now following TenjoStyle
Sep 10, 2010
i'm glad she choose kazu <3
it's been quite a while hahaha!
and the video works!
thanks a lot for sharing!
20100909 Himitsu no Arashi-chan~
Kazu was chosen tonight~! Never thought that he will be chosen, so happy for him XD Doubt Action tonight... Boring, to me it is the most boring segment for Himitsu no Arashi-chan Next week we have Shibasaki Kou & Fukada Kyoko~ Hope the videos work here...let me know if it is fine for everyone ne...
lubia is now following Yamakaze067
Sep 8, 2010
thanks for sharing!
i wish i can see it with my own eyes in japan >_<
and i'm starting to wonder what will the other represent lol
Hitachi panels @ Shinjuku eki~
Keep forgetting to post this.... Located at Marunouchi line~ Huge Sho-chan & Aiba-chan with Arashi in the middle
honey! i miss vox as well T_T
everytime i will have to login twice to post a comment...and sometimes it doesnt even work arghhh
typepad proves to be difficult >_< i don't know...
typepad proves to be difficult >_< i don't know where (or how?) to view my neighbors' posts in one go T_T I MISS VOX ALREADY!!! T_T
lubia is now following Account Deleted
Sep 5, 2010
typepad oh typepad
tried to upload a photo for like 5 mins and it never works...i think typepad hate me :( Continue reading
Posted Sep 5, 2010 at Girls, be ambitious
hi :D *waves back* thankyou!!!
i knowww! half of my vox neighbors are on typepad as well, that's why i might just give it a go haha
i'm glad i found you guys in typepad <3
gosh i went to sydney for the weekend and what? vox is closing down O_O since i'm really new to typepad so it takes me like 10 mins to figure out how to add post and stuff... i kind of miss vox already T_T
lubia is now following AnitafromH
Sep 5, 2010
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