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**Alyssa Rose**
Im the girl who will always tell the truth, always speak my mind, and you can try to bring me down.. but i promise. It wont work.
Recent Activity
Prom dresses
I'm trying to figure out wat dress I should get for prom. Here are some ideas. But I need help!! Tell me what you think. Please and thankyou. :))) Continue reading
Posted Jan 26, 2010 at Alyssa **fucking** Rose
Some [[poetry]] by? Yours truly
First love,, true love. Formed and broken. Still exists in the heart. Solid wounds, memories. Simple reminders of wat was. And of wat will never be. Pushed away, locked up. A fake recovery of the heart. Moving on? Just to find the love never broken. Still there, but forbidden. The old wounds hurt with a new fire. Forced into a decision. Fearing her heart will collapse. From the pressure. She cries. Because she knows she knows she will Always love him. **Alyssa Rose :)) Continue reading
Posted Jan 21, 2010 at Alyssa **fucking** Rose
**Alyssa Rose** is now following A Beautiful Mess
Jan 21, 2010
Jus me "))
This is me. And as you see. I speak my mind. I'm real. I promise not to be fake. I promise not to lie. I promise to say wat I think. And above all,, I promise to be straight forward I'm 16. In the center of a chaotic life I keep my head up and refuse to take shit from anybody I will admit I'm not quite as much of a bad ass as I put off to be But I wouldn't suggest testing my limits My parents have been divorced for about a year now And that whole proccess... Continue reading
Posted Jan 21, 2010 at Alyssa **fucking** Rose
Hmmm.. First post
So this is my first post. And I didn't really no wat to put. So I figured I'd start by telling a little about why I decided to start doing posts. Well I'm the very (un)typical, (un) usual, (not your)everyday teenage girl. I have tons of stuff I feel the need to share with the world. And ta da now I can. I'm going to say wat i feel and think. I promise. :)) Continue reading
Posted Jan 21, 2010 at Alyssa **fucking** Rose
**Alyssa Rose** is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 21, 2010
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