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Recent Activity
Michele is now following CatherineWitherell
Oct 1, 2010
Michele is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Hang in there
love and light to you!
I’ll Be Back Soon...
I need to take a blogging break for a while. Don’t know how long. Dealing with some pretty heavy stuff right now. Thanks for understanding.
Catherine - you are Divine! Can't wait till Artfest and Camp R!
My Journalfest story
I got to the airport and my friend Maria surprised me there. I didn't know she was going. We talked all the way up and that was really fun. At the other end I met up with Vivian McDonald and Traci Bautista and we drove up to Fort Worden together. I got to sit in the back seat of the car for ...
The coolest part about that story? You told TSA "I am a runner." You are a runner! Did you think you'd ever say that?
this weeks inspiration wednesday features one of...
this weeks inspiration wednesday features one of my favorite quotes by leonardo da vinci. "all our knowledge has its origin in our perceptions." lets face it, it is really easy to judge, not only others, but ourselves. these judgments can hurt, inspire, and even keep us from breaking out of...
What a great idea...I'm speechless.
binderie make-over
EDITED++ congratulations jennifer b...YOU WIN!! email me ([email protected]) with your address and your new binderie will be on its way! for those of you that emailed me about where to buy the binderie, here is a link! i got an email from Janelle at 7Gypsies week ago asking me if i w...
What a great idea...I'm speechless.
binderie make-over
EDITED++ congratulations jennifer b...YOU WIN!! email me ([email protected]) with your address and your new binderie will be on its way! for those of you that emailed me about where to buy the binderie, here is a link! i got an email from Janelle at 7Gypsies week ago asking me if i w...
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