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I LOVE this dress too! Honestly, this dress made me love anything with polka dots.
I really want this one:
Spotted!: That Polkadot Dress from Pretty Woman
I've been lusting after this dress since I was five. Why five year old me was watching a Cinderella story about a hooker, I can't tell you. But I was, and I've thought about it ever since, and each and everytime I see the movie my love for the dress is fired up.... but now ladies and gents.....
I'm not so sure about the little hats, but I love the sweaters! Hmm, now I just need a dog to put it on.
cute dog clothing
these sweaters and hats from Bean Town Handmade are SO cute! doggy torture! they grabbed my attention as we just bought my pup her first little vest and she loves it. but hats and bonnets?! this is just too good.
AshLaf is now following Virginia
Dec 16, 2009
AshLaf is now following The Typepad Team
Dec 16, 2009
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