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Central Florida
Interests: Living life to the absolute fullest.
Recent Activity
As I near the end of my pregnancy, I feel the need to somewhat document a few random thoughts on this crazy escapade that is coming to a close. It honestly feels very bittersweet to know that within the next week or so, I will not be pregnant anymore. The... Continue reading
Posted Apr 21, 2014 at -Ashley's Blog-
I never really thought I had a powerful testimony. I’ve heard stories of people that saw flashes of lightning, fell to their knees, were miraculously cured of an illness or even heard the audible voice of God. My story isn’t that flashy or exciting. However, I have never hesitated to... Continue reading
Posted Nov 18, 2012 at -Ashley's Blog-
Since becoming a Christian, Easter has definitely taken on a much deeper significance to me. It's not about the Easter bunny, baskets, candy, or eating a yummy meal with my family. It's not about wearing a cute dress and going to church. It's about celebrating the amazing sacrifice that God... Continue reading
Posted Apr 8, 2012 at -Ashley's Blog-
I have worked very hard to get where I am professionally, and I am very proud of what I have accomplished. I completely know that this is definitely not the most important thing in life. I value my faith and loved ones much more than any 'job' or tangible things... Continue reading
Posted Jan 25, 2012 at -Ashley's Blog-
Wow... I just finished watching a 54 minute video on America's growing Health Care problem. Honestly, the only reason why I deemed it necessary to take almost an hour out of my busy schedule to watch this is because it is required by my Community Health class. However, after watching... Continue reading
Posted Feb 27, 2011 at -Ashley's Blog-
Many times in my Christian walk I am humbled. We have to be humbled, of course. We can't go around thinking we are all that and a bag of chips 24/7 without having the conviction at times of how small and insignificant we actually are - without his love and... Continue reading
Posted Feb 18, 2011 at -Ashley's Blog-
At this point in my life, I am 100% sure that you do not know who you truly are until you are at least thirty. When I say who you are', it means everything that you are, encompassed - your morals, values, beliefs, what is important to you, what you... Continue reading
Posted Jan 2, 2011 at -Ashley's Blog-
Time is going by so fast, it's actually crazy when I think about it. I can't believe that it's almost September! Where has this year went to? Before we know it, it is going to be Christmas, and then a new year. I think that now that I am getting... Continue reading
Posted Aug 15, 2010 at -Ashley's Blog-
Ashley is now following Spanisheyes
Aug 12, 2010