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What a beautiful list!
Wishing you and your family a very happy Thanksgiving!
ten on tuesday | today I am thankful for ...
today I am thankful for…family and friends, far and near, young and old, silver and gold … today I am thankful for…the lap robe and first sip of hot tea on a chilly - OK, cold - November morning. they warm my hands and my heart... today I am thankful for…a good night's sleep and feeling...
Charging admission, what a genius idea! LOL
And, yes, #9 - except I'd like more mentis that is compis... uh oh.
Great list! Wishing you and your family a very happy Thanksgiving.
NaBloPoMo #23
Ten on Tuesday: 10 Things I am Thankful for Right Now I am feeding 13-14 people on Thursday. I am thankful that I have enough $$ to do this without charging admission. I am going to cook my cojones off for the next three days. I am thankful that my body is healthy and strong enough for thi...
Another baby!! This is just amazing news!
Wishing you and your family a very happy Thanksgiving, Vicki!!
Ten on Tuesday: Always Thankful
Ten on Tuesday: 10 Things I Am Thankful For *Right Now* November 2008! 1 - Maddy's coming home tomorrow! I'm looking forward to her help in the kitchen, and just hanging out. 2 - Kate's been a willing walking buddy (when schedule permits)! Those steps are so much more enjoyable with company! ...
Suffragette - on my list to see, thank you for the recommendation!
Wishing you and your family a very happy Thanksgiving!
Giving Thanks
24/30 It's that time of year . . . when we focus, especially, on things we're thankful for. Now, I'm always thankful for the things you'd imagine I'd be thankful for . . . Family. Love. Health. Home. But . . . today Carole asks us . . . what are we thankful for RIGHT NOW. So. Here are the t...
A beautiful list.
A very happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!
NaBloPoMo - Day Twenty Four - 10 Thankful Things
Today's topic is Ten Things You Are Thankful For Right Now. Rather than generic things like health, I'm going to try to be more specific and talk about things that I am thankful for since last year at this time. 1. I'm so pleased that we had a foster failure with our first foster dog. I wasn'...
Such a great list! I am right there with you on Scotland!! And, as always, your photos are spectacular!
Ten on Tuesday: Hangin'
Ten on Tuesday: 10 Places I Hang Out 1. - HOME. Truly, there's no place I'd rather be. Whether the house is full or I'm home alone, it's where I'm happiest. 2. - IN THE KITCHEN. We hang out in the kitchen a lot. I like to cook, and eat, and it's Command Central. 3. - IN MY WORKROOM. I love ...
FB!! LOL I did not even think of that! Good one! And I love your corner of the library!
17/30 This week, Carole asks the Ten on Tuesday crowd to describe . . . Ten Places You Hang Out. (Which got me humming.) (To just hear the song, skip to :54.) And then . . . I started thinking how really dull and predictable I am. Because this list turned out to be hard for me. And made me ...
Askatknits is now following The Typepad Team
Nov 17, 2015
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