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Marshall Astor
Recent Activity
I've seen this brand for sale at the Marukai Forum in Gardena before.
The most popular oil blotting paper in the country
When my friend Ryo Shimizu--a successful tech entrepreneur from Japan--came to San Francisco last month, he brought me this lovely packet of oil blotting paper from the most popular oil blotting paper brand in Japan as omiyage. Yes, that's right, there is a company that specializes in making t...
Sometimes I see cashiers at the local Mitsuwa market wearing these to handle your change.
Finger condoms
I found these finger condoms at the 100 yen store last night. I'm not sure what they're useful for, but the packaging promises that they will safely protect your fingers during household chores, office work, and other activities.
Marshall Astor is now following The Typepad Team
Feb 16, 2010
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