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I couldn't help but share because I, too, find this fascinating.
My fiance's father passed away unexpectedly a few years ago. Recently, we bought a new car. We were nervous throughout the process because his father had been the person he turned to for advice on big purchases and other life decisions. Also, we were looking at the model car that he used to sell before he passed, so we were thinking about him a lot that day. After we completed the sale, I paired my phone with the bluetooth and went to place my first call, which was to my mother. I spoke to the car to dial my mother's mobile number. The bluetooth spoke back to me "Next time you can simply say 'dial [fiance's father's name] home.'"
Death stories. Because this is a happy place.
I woke up with a migraine today and dragged self to work because trouper. So since I'm barely alive, let's tell death stories today. Yesterday at work, during our 3 o'clock walk, we were telling stories of weird things that happened when someone died or afterward. I love stories like that. So te...
Hi, or whatever.
Are you reading this dumb blog? Tell me!
I had to get to work early today, because my car. I had to take it to the shop, and Ned had to drop me off, which means I got here at, like, 5 a.m. So because I'm here I cannot blog, but can you help a sister out? Since 2007, I have used this thing called Sitemeter that told me how many people c...
AtariKari is now following The Typepad Team
Aug 13, 2015
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