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A Team Tuition
204/20 Lake Orr Drive, Varsity Lakes, QLD, 4227 Australia
WE ARE CHANGING AUSTRALIAN EDUCATION We Believe That Any Student, Anywhere Can Achieve ""A"" Grades With The Right Support, Strategies and Mindset Early on in 2010, we realised that basic tutoring was simply not enough to produce exceptional academic results with our students. They were making consistent mistakes, and were unable to strategise their way of learning and education. It was as if they were never taught how to become independent, successful students. To help pull the Australian education system and general tutoring industry out of its slump, we birthed Academic Personal Training. A hybrid of tutoring, mentoring, and academic strategy, Academic Personal Training focuses on supporting students, improving their mindset, and developing them to take control of their own learning. Through this, we have been able to do more than merely tutor well; we are able to change lives
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Jan 16, 2019