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John D Thomas
(1) Freight broker training via telephone and internet, (2) Home Study, (3) or Live in El Paso Texas, and NOW, (4) Live in YOUR city!
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Mar 15, 2010
Your comment "we all better buckle our seat belt for a long ride" is well-taken. The pendulum is starting to swing the other way after many years of having a good, smooth ride. There will be many companies and individuals squeezed so badly that they may never fully recover. However, I'm more than just an optimist - I'm a realist and history has shown us before that cycles come and go. Further, with each new cycle comes stronger, smarter and more efficient results. This is what I'm gearing up for. Naturally, being in the training and educational field, we pride ourselves on helping clients to properly prepare for most anything that comes their way - good or not so good. John Thomas Atex Freight Broker Training, Inc.