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Southern California
I'm a thrifty, crafty, homeschooling mom.
Recent Activity
I am so sorry. I lost my dad in 2007. I know how hard that can be. It was a sudden heart attack. And the world seems to spin for awhile. You will find your center soon enough. Until then, take your time.
1 reply
I miss my Gram too. She's the only one that has ever knit for me. (other than those felted bag swaps I join in on when knitblogs were what held my life together). I made my SIL a pair of fingerless mitts last Christmas and my BIL asked for a pair. Maybe my knitworthy list is growing.
Toggle Commented Aug 23, 2013 on Handmade Memories at knit and tonic
When a special girl told me she was getting married, I knew I'd have to knit her an afghan. I've known her since she was 12! And we had this special little thing. And she worked for KKi, so I knew she would appreciate the time put into something handmade.... Continue reading
Posted Jun 14, 2013 at Knits-N-Bits
I would really like to try these, but I'm not sure if the heel is too much for my back. I really do need some cute shoes for church. If I've got bad (unsupportive) shoes on by the time I'm home from church I have to lay down for the afternoon. These look like I should give them a try.
I found this post because the image was suggested at the bottom of your new post. I actually have these shoes. They're cute with a skirt and little "no-show" socks. But I didn't pay full price. Someone had returned them at Nordstrom, so they ended up at the Rack by my house. I think I paid $25. And for that, they're a steal. I used to wear converse, but with my back condition I can't now.
I bought a skein of Madelinetosh Pashmina in Terrarium when I went down to San Diego to hear Karen speak at a MOPS event. I can not say enough good things about Karen, this yarn, or this pattern. The Honey Cowl is an easy knit and easily put down without... Continue reading
Posted Jun 10, 2013 at Knits-N-Bits
Time to get back to the blog! I've signed up to take an art e-course and I'm so excited. There will be lots to post about as I watch the videos, read the articles, draw in my sketch book, and practice some of the concepts with the kids. I'm also... Continue reading
Posted Jun 9, 2013 at A tree planted by the waters...
I don't think I'll actually make the crawl, but I'm going to try to make it to the one shop closest to me.
I knit hats for my Gram when she had cancer. She's the one that taught me to knit. I was a new knitter and not all the hats turned out the right she donated the rest to the chemo center. And then she was gone. And it was years before I could knit another hat. There's no way to make it better. But I do know that hand knits are like hugs...and your aunt will appreciate the love that comes with it.
Toggle Commented Mar 4, 2013 on Stay, Don't Go. at knit and tonic
I want to remove a tree from my grove and it's not working. Help?
Toggle Commented Mar 3, 2013 on Grove Guide! at FarmVille 2
I have arthritis in my hands. Is there a big difference (for my hands) in using small needles (like socks) or large needles (bulky hat).
KM is now following Meg Duerksen
Sep 15, 2012
Love the knitted jewelry! I know my daughter would love a bracelet. And I've still got a few years before she heads off to college (thank God...I'm not ready for that.).
Toggle Commented Aug 22, 2012 on Laura Nelkin's Adorn Anew at Through the Loops!
I knew I wouldn't finish anything while watching the Olympics, but still I pressed on. I'm almost to the last chart on Girasole!
Toggle Commented Aug 18, 2012 on Olympics Withdrawal at Felt Like Knitting
Beautiful! Not in my neck of the woods. My joy is the hummingbirds that visit us.
Toggle Commented Aug 17, 2012 on Corner View: Fauna at kittycafe
Math: Primary Mathematics 5A & 5B Primary Mathematics 4A & 4B Primary Mathematics 2B & 3A Key to … books for extra review Language Arts: Houghton Mifflin Reading : Gr5 Houghton Mifflin Reading : Gr4 Houghton Mifflin Reading : combo Gr 2 & 3 I use HM reading so that... Continue reading
Posted Aug 7, 2012 at school@home
I've been making progress on my list, but I still feel that it's not enough. I've actually done a lot on the NEEDS to be done list. It's the IMPORTANT to me stuff that's not getting done. So far: I've cleaned out the boy's closet. We actually took everything out... Continue reading
Posted Aug 6, 2012 at A tree planted by the waters...
YUM! It's been a long time since we've made homemade ice cream. Probably too long.
Toggle Commented Aug 5, 2012 on Chocolate Hot and Cold at kittycafe
KM is now following Account Deleted
Aug 2, 2012
We collect nativity scenes. A new one each year. It's my favorite way to decorate for Christmas.
KM is now following Insight for Living
Jul 13, 2012
I think it looks great from here. While I'm proud of my fancy cabled sweaters....I'm just as proud of my first scarf with a few dropped stitches. Just look at it as progress. ;0)
KM is now following Annie
Jun 27, 2012
Oh no! I carry an EpiPen for shellfish allergy. Those hives are just well as the passing out.
Toggle Commented Jun 27, 2012 on Severe allergy at Felt Like Knitting
This was a tough school year. I spent May & June planning with 5 other moms for a CA History co-op. In July, it fell apart. I spent August re-doing the work I'd done in June. I lost my vacation. And while I knew that it was probably for the... Continue reading
Posted Jun 21, 2012 at school@home