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Audra Krell
Scottsdale, AZ
Wife,Mother,Writer,Vocalist, Advocate for Family on Purpose
Interests: Christianity,eschatology, reading, writing, baseball, hermeneutics, country and jazz music
Recent Activity
New Blog Home
Hey everybody, Please visit Audra on Purpose in my new home at Also, if you wouldn't mind subscribing over there again, it would be great! Can't wait to see you there! Continue reading
Posted Jun 7, 2011 at KRELLFISH
Hi Gina,
Thank you so much for stopping by. Where does your college son play ball?
The Boxing Writer
I box to be a better writer. For most, writing is very emotional. Sometimes I have so much feeling, that it prohibits good writing. When we were young, we were taught to punch a pillow when we got angry. I thought that sounded stupid. Now I wish I'd tried it. Kicking and punching the heavy b...
The Boxing Writer
I box to be a better writer. For most, writing is very emotional. Sometimes I have so much feeling, that it prohibits good writing. When we were young, we were taught to punch a pillow when we got angry. I... Continue reading
Posted Apr 20, 2011 at KRELLFISH
Thanks Julie, we are pretty proud of him!
The Pitcher Whisperer
Today is Keegan's golden birthday. He said he doesn't feel any different, but I do! It's like a rite of passage or something....I. have. an. 18. year. old. I cannot get it through my head. If he's 18, how old does that make the rest of us? You can do the math, perhaps you'll be as shocked as I...
Thanks so much for stopping by Linda!
The Pitcher Whisperer
Today is Keegan's golden birthday. He said he doesn't feel any different, but I do! It's like a rite of passage or something....I. have. an. 18. year. old. I cannot get it through my head. If he's 18, how old does that make the rest of us? You can do the math, perhaps you'll be as shocked as I...
Thank you Lance. Seriously. I'm loving every moment with him, seems like time is perpetually on fast forward now.
The Pitcher Whisperer
Today is Keegan's golden birthday. He said he doesn't feel any different, but I do! It's like a rite of passage or something....I. have. an. 18. year. old. I cannot get it through my head. If he's 18, how old does that make the rest of us? You can do the math, perhaps you'll be as shocked as I...
You are so kind. Thank you for saying that and for stopping by Bessie. Every blessing to you and yours!
The Pitcher Whisperer
Today is Keegan's golden birthday. He said he doesn't feel any different, but I do! It's like a rite of passage or something....I. have. an. 18. year. old. I cannot get it through my head. If he's 18, how old does that make the rest of us? You can do the math, perhaps you'll be as shocked as I...
The Pitcher Whisperer
Today is Keegan's golden birthday. He said he doesn't feel any different, but I do! It's like a rite of passage or something....I. have. an. 18. year. old. I cannot get it through my head. If he's 18, how old... Continue reading
Posted Apr 18, 2011 at KRELLFISH
Ah McNair, Love your competitive, albeit appropriate, spirit! Carry on my friend!
On Healthy Competition
Photo courtesy of @iStockphoto You hear it from teachers, instructors, coaches and especially from experts on boys. "Competition is natural." Just because it's natural doesn't always make it acceptable. For example, I may naturally have some gray hair, but that don't mean it's right! Compe...
On Healthy Competition
Photo courtesy of @iStockphoto You hear it from teachers, instructors, coaches and especially from experts on boys. "Competition is natural." Just because it's natural doesn't always make it acceptable. For example, I may naturally have some gray hair, but that... Continue reading
Posted Apr 7, 2011 at KRELLFISH
Hi Laura,
Thank you for coming over and for telling me how you got here! I believe if you want to write, you have to read the books you want to write. So, I hope you will check this one out. And, I wish you the very best of luck and every blessing with your novel.
Passport Through Darkness
Don't know if you've noticed, but I've cooled it lately on the book reviews. This one though, is a must. Kimberly Smith has been doing God's work for years, trying to stop human trafficking. Her writing it powerful and keeps the reader coming back. Not because you can stomach the content, but...
Passport Through Darkness
Don't know if you've noticed, but I've cooled it lately on the book reviews. This one though, is a must. Kimberly Smith has been doing God's work for years, trying to stop human trafficking. Her writing it powerful and keeps... Continue reading
Posted Mar 25, 2011 at KRELLFISH
Yes, we faithfully know where we are going!
Agenda of an Artist
Photo courtesy @iStockphoto Every time I start writing a book, I dread telling people about it. Inevitably, someone asks, "where are you going with this story?" And I usually don't have a good answer. I squirm and flail, mumbling something about a direction the story might go, or offering a...
Agenda of an Artist
Photo courtesy @iStockphoto Every time I start writing a book, I dread telling people about it. Inevitably, someone asks, "where are you going with this story?" And I usually don't have a good answer. I squirm and flail, mumbling something... Continue reading
Posted Mar 23, 2011 at KRELLFISH
Thank you Dolores! I always appreciate you sharing my writing, you are a blessing!
How to Say No to Negativity
I've seen post after post about people giving up negativity for Lent. Claiming you want to is the first step, but once you're in, how exactly do you do it? Here are 5 ways to avoid negativity. Be slow to speak: Think about the words you will say after someone is done talking. Our first words o...
I don't think that's a lame excuse. We all need to get things out, maybe we can think of a new way to vent. Thanks for stopping over Kyle!
How to Say No to Negativity
I've seen post after post about people giving up negativity for Lent. Claiming you want to is the first step, but once you're in, how exactly do you do it? Here are 5 ways to avoid negativity. Be slow to speak: Think about the words you will say after someone is done talking. Our first words o...
Hi Dolores, I'm so glad you let me know about the craft fair! We have sports commitments this Saturday, but if anything changes I will let you know as I would love to meet you too.
How to Say No to Negativity
I've seen post after post about people giving up negativity for Lent. Claiming you want to is the first step, but once you're in, how exactly do you do it? Here are 5 ways to avoid negativity. Be slow to speak: Think about the words you will say after someone is done talking. Our first words o...
So exciting about Katherine!!! Yes, things will probably start to go pretty fast. Blessings for continued wonderful things in your life!
How to Say No to Negativity
I've seen post after post about people giving up negativity for Lent. Claiming you want to is the first step, but once you're in, how exactly do you do it? Here are 5 ways to avoid negativity. Be slow to speak: Think about the words you will say after someone is done talking. Our first words o...
Hi Ginger! Wishing you a blessed Lenten season!
How to Say No to Negativity
I've seen post after post about people giving up negativity for Lent. Claiming you want to is the first step, but once you're in, how exactly do you do it? Here are 5 ways to avoid negativity. Be slow to speak: Think about the words you will say after someone is done talking. Our first words o...
Thanks Lance, I knew this one would be right up your alley, my positive friend!
How to Say No to Negativity
I've seen post after post about people giving up negativity for Lent. Claiming you want to is the first step, but once you're in, how exactly do you do it? Here are 5 ways to avoid negativity. Be slow to speak: Think about the words you will say after someone is done talking. Our first words o...
You are so funny Tammy. I'll be the judge of that when we meet in person! Ha ha
How to Say No to Negativity
I've seen post after post about people giving up negativity for Lent. Claiming you want to is the first step, but once you're in, how exactly do you do it? Here are 5 ways to avoid negativity. Be slow to speak: Think about the words you will say after someone is done talking. Our first words o...
How to Say No to Negativity
I've seen post after post about people giving up negativity for Lent. Claiming you want to is the first step, but once you're in, how exactly do you do it? Here are 5 ways to avoid negativity. Be slow to... Continue reading
Posted Mar 8, 2011 at KRELLFISH
Hi Dolores, I believe it becomes a lifestyle for people and they don't have any idea how negative they are, as you said. Here's to a wonderful, positive week!
Negativity-Free Zone
Photo credit iStockphoto Had dinner with an old friend last night and she said she's giving up negativity for Lent. She is encouraging her entire extended family to quit complaining. I love the idea and hope they all see lasting results. Then today I came across this post from Trevor Lund. He ...
Blessings to you Trevor as you strive to work out your salvation by staying in the center of God's will!
Negativity-Free Zone
Photo credit iStockphoto Had dinner with an old friend last night and she said she's giving up negativity for Lent. She is encouraging her entire extended family to quit complaining. I love the idea and hope they all see lasting results. Then today I came across this post from Trevor Lund. He ...
Love that you are faithful and answering God's call Tammy. Blessings as you write!
Write Reasons
photo courtesy of iStockphoto In writing, as in anything worth doing, it's important that we know why we're doing it. I write, so no one feels abandoned. Going a little deeper, I write about the struggles of living, never wanting to minimize, but to give a powerful voice to it. Deciding and n...
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