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Today there is a clear need to stop seeing our children equal to those children who were born over 70 years ago. Then there were no media as we know them today, just evolving film, including recording methods were very basic audio, the sound was mono aural and very low frequencies. Why then are still applied in many cases the same educational principles and teaching?? This is a great challenge because on the one hand, the multiplicity and complexity of new technologies constantly overflowing the traditional boundaries of science education and, secondly, no one knows what technologies will remain in education during the coming years. This requires us to work continuously updated methods and this leads to having a truly effective educational system, whose components are prepared professionally, and career specialties have in addition to teaching, the main air in which our educational system must be prepared are the marketing and communication, this is for firms to consumer products and junk food are the ones who are currently educating our children, this is our reality and that of many other industrialized countries and even higher levels of education cases. The technological explosion is so great that many innovations that seemed... Continue reading
Posted Sep 4, 2023 at Austin Startup
At the moment did not even get to imagine what might have been like in the situation, though in modern life was not dogs. Ever since the earliest representatives of the human race was still tame a wild dog, it took several millennia, and all this time the dogs regularly help people - and their affection and their own appearance. For the hunter dog - it's faithful companions and escort for the homebody - comrade. Any one of us takes his dog with meet the requirements of their own behavior and temperament, for the reason that, of course, every living creation is always special, not looked like a different, character. For thousands of years to the extent of close contact of dogs and individuals directly to people to notice certain details of dogs and initially unconscious, and then a highly specialized, performed selection to the most popular features in our "little brothers appeared more pronounced. Say, were created by rock room and fighting. For any activities designed special kind of tool, so happened with the dogs. In this way appeared the dog breeds such as lapinporokoyra, and many others. And if demand were initially very protective and hunting dogs, then... Continue reading
Posted Jul 16, 2023 at Austin Startup
Get the latest information on parcels of land sold in auction in readable form - on the map, see the state of sites on the panoramic photos, find information on the Land legislation or ask an experienced specialist, read the latest news of the construction industry, see live video session of the Government of St. Petersburg in a mode online - all this and more can be found at St. Petersburg State University updated site "Manage Investments" - interesting and useful resource investor. St. Petersburg State University "Managing investment" is an authorized institution shall: Organisational, legal and expert support for investment projects. Organizational and technical support functions of the State Construction Committee to prepare the necessary documentation for: - Providing real estate for building and renovating - bidding for the sale of land for construction - for the right to conclude a lease of land on investment conditions for the building; - Selling the right to conclude an investment treaty. Providing public services to the Construction Committee for the Review: - statements to potential investors the choice of land and preliminary location of the object - owners application of agreements on reconstruction and adaptation of buildings, structures for modern use,... Continue reading
Posted Jun 20, 2023 at Austin Startup
However, to continue this topic can be long and tedious. Yes, and we need it? That is what is needed is not to sit idly by. A fight started. And fight not with your loved one, but with an illness that for one reason or another mastered your husband or parent. I can say very simply: you can not defeat the disease shouting, scandals, or invocation of conscience. This is - meaningless. In my opinion, it's like to try recover from the flu invocation of conscience, "a favorite". However, alcohol dependence - is not the flu. Not even illness. It is a disease that requires a tedious, monotonous treatment. Disease, treatment of which requires patience and exposure. And, most importantly - support for all their loved ones. For, if not family, then who? I have read a lot and hear that alcohol - it is forever. It is not treated. What is very aggressively asserting all drug treatment specialists and quite often, pundits. And, of course, those who make great "dibs" on this human woe. But, here's an amazing thing. As soon as it comes to "solid" money, then once there are spices that are prepared to take up treatment... Continue reading
Posted Apr 20, 2023 at Austin Startup
The control culture is internalized aggression in the form of superego and directed against the self, which then may become masochistic or self-destructive. Freud had heard a certain person in every human being there is an oceanic feeling of eternity, infinity and unity with the universe, and that fact alone is a religious man, regardless of whether or not he believes in this or that creed . This sentiment is at the core of all religion. Freud does not support this feeling in itself, but attempts a psychoanalytic explanation of the genetically. We perceive our self as defined and demarcated, especially from abroad, because its internal boundary continues with it. The infant has no such demarcation. Start outside demarcated as I-indulgent, differing unpleasant object to be 'out' him. Originally I included everything, but when separated or distinguished from the outside world, I end up being a waste atrophied sense of oneness with the universe above. It be expected that in the field of psychic past that feeling can be preserved into adulthood. But the oceanic feeling is more associated with the unlimited narcissism with religious sentiment. The latter derives in fact from child abandonment and nostalgia for the father who... Continue reading
Posted Apr 18, 2023 at Austin Startup
Question 10.5. As for the car to turn around on narrow roads or areas in two or three steps? Response. If the width roadway or area is less than twice the minimum turning radius of the car, turn performed using reverse in two or three divided doses. Spreads are executed at the minimum speed. To turn in three divided doses (4. Fig. 10.4) on the roadway to take to the right. Then. steering wheel to turn quickly to the left. Continue driving. Before stopping at the opposite side of the carriageway steering wheel quickly turn right so as to stop the vehicle at the time the wheels were located straight ahead. In the early reverse to continue rotation of the steering to the right until it stops. Before stopping again quickly turn the steering wheel to the left. Turns out in two stages with a stop at the adjoining territory are shown in Fig. 10.4, 2 and 3. Question 10.6. What should a driver do to ensure safety when reversing? Response. Before driving, the driver must make sure that it was not a danger or obstruction to other road users that the vehicle behind no impediments. To ensure safety, he... Continue reading
Posted Apr 17, 2023 at Austin Startup
Again the doubt nested in the hearts of the travellers. But what it hurt to him more to the old one it was that nobody among all of them went to him to ask nothing to him, but gave to credit on which not even had made that route previously. But the old one let to them do. If he were with him voluntarily he was not nobody to force to them to do something that did not want. It summoned even so them to a last meeting: And it said: - When we initiated this trip, all you came voluntarily. To anybody I forced. I told the place you of the Source, the place where I was born. And you accepted to come. I warned to you that it was a long and hard trip. And nevertheless, now, you speak of other places, other routes. I cannot stop to you. I said to you that there were three groups between you. You have chosen to that group you want to belong. Only one more thing. I have to continue my trip, I will do and it although she continues alone. The desert is wide and they cross innumerable footpaths.... Continue reading
Posted Apr 9, 2023 at Austin Startup
The key features of CLIPS are: Knowledge Representation: CLIPS can handle a wide range of knowledge supports three programming paradigms: the declarative, the imperative, and object-oriented. The rule-based logic programming allows knowledge to be represented as heuristic rules that specify actions to be executed a given situation. OOP allows modeling complex systems such as modular components. The imperative programming algorithms can run in the same way as in C, Java, LISP and other languages. Portability: CLIPS is written in C to make it more portable and fast, and has been installed on various operating systems (Windows 95/98/NT, MacOS X, Unix) without being required to modify its source code. CLIPS can be run on any system with an ANSI C compiler or a C compiler. The CLIPS source code can be modified if the user deems it necessary to add or remove features. Integrability: CLIPS can be embedded in imperative code, invoked as a sub-routine, and integrated with languages such as C, Java, FORTRAN and others. CLIPS includes a complete object oriented language (COOL) for the development of expert systems. Although written in C, but its interface looks like next LISP. CLIPS can be written on the extensions to C, and... Continue reading
Posted Jun 17, 2022 at Austin Startup
Notice By agreement at the Working Meeting of the Board of Fraccionamiento "Los H roes Puebla", 2nd stage, held on Saturday February 21 this year, is: CALL For administrators, secretaries, treasurers and members of various committees of the Assembly of the Council to be held on 28 February at 20:00 hours on the second floor of the negotiation Italian Coffee, located at 117 East. (The Towers), in order to discuss and take appropriate agreements related to the organization and operation of the Division and whose operative paragraphs will be definitive, and we call come on time.Proposal: Agenda 1 .- Information 2 .- Appointment of the Chair of the Board of Directors 3 .- General business 4 .- Tasks and activities CAREFULLY H. Puebla de Zaragoza, February 22, 2009 Board of Directors of Los H roes Puebla. 2nd stage . Continue reading
Posted Apr 3, 2022 at Austin Startup
Health Infant mortality, maternal health problems, HIV / AIDS, malaria and other diseases have many points of contact with malnutrition. A malnourished person has a weakened body, the more chances of disease and fewer defenses to cope. A sick body is more likely to fall into a state of malnutrition. A community ill will have less ability to work and jeopardize food security and their descendants. Hunger and disease are, thus, a vicious circle. Action Against Hunger has worked in the prevention and treatment of major diseases in developing countries through: emergency medical care in nutrition, primary health care, maternal and child health programs, immunization, essential drugs and education health. Continue reading
Posted Mar 17, 2022 at Austin Startup
It brought together some 86 pieces of large format and will be open to the public on the campus of the University of Phoenix until next June. The ancient art exhibition makes a splendid tour of the ancient and modern china, with photographs and art that stop in time and for now, historical moments of the ancient art culture as the terracotta warriors, the wall ancient China, Buddhist monks and former performing arts that the Asian country has various manifestations. The ancient art exhibition, which until a few days ago was in the city of Phoenix has toured the axis leaving a good impression among observers, thanks to the good quality of the images and the historic burden that contain. This is a good opportunity for those who wish to move closer to the ancient culture of Asian nation, which in recent years has suffered a great social change, to give a shift in traditional agricultural lifestyle of the big cities of skyscrapers and notices neon ads with Western brands. Ali has travelled several cities in Colombia as Manizales, Armenia, Cali and Pereira, among others. The management, to Colombia for the arrival of this art exhibition, was thanks to the... Continue reading
Posted Feb 20, 2022 at Austin Startup
School of International Relations to develop their teaching-learning process, the Faculty is organized in three departments in the year 1964, Private Law, Professional Law and the Social and Political Sciences, the latter is renamed in 1967 in Political Science and Social, creating in 1968 the Department of Public Law. That same year, the School took on an added dimension by proposing the creation of the career of International Relations in the Department of Social and Political Sciences, which was approved by the Higher University Council in 1970 should be added that from that year , teachers and students of the career construct their own identity.In 1980 the School was reorganized as follows: the career of Legal Sciences, is staffed by the Departments of Political and Social Sciences, Professional Law and Procedure Private Law and Public Law, International Relations The race is run by the Department of Foreign created under international trade 635 dated 3 November 1971. The initial structure of the Department was: A director and faculty (mostly foreigners) and three instructors. In 1971 the curriculum of international relations underwent a review by the Department of Social and Political Sciences Faculty. That review turned rigid system to disappear electives and... Continue reading
Posted Jan 28, 2022 at Austin Startup
Pablo Picasso was the first child of Jose Ruiz Blasco and Mara Picasso Lpez. His father was an art teacher, freelance artist and curator at the museum. One might think that the art has been lying to him in blood. Among his many periods, such as the blue and pink period, Pablo Picasso was also a co-founder of cubism. This should be a very important genre, which stops still an important place in education. Cubism is basically divided into two categories. Analytical Cubism, which is the earlier, is therefore also earlier style. This came at around 1907 and lasted in Picasso's works until 1912. As a further development and innovation can be the second category, which took their time was 1913, the Synthetic Cubism. These Pablo Picasso created both a new art direction, as well as a modern design option that we know today, among others, still in the form of collages. In Synthetic Cubism Picasso devoted himself not only the separation of subjects into different geometric objects, ato achieve a specific crystalline structure and plasticity, but he went a step further. In synthetic cubism, he had made it his task to put these same themes again something together. This... Continue reading
Posted Sep 22, 2021 at Austin Startup
Pablo Picasso was the first child of Jose Ruiz Blasco and Mara Picasso Lpez. His father was an art teacher, freelance artist and curator at the museum. One might think that the art has been lying to him in blood. Among his many periods, such as the blue and pink period, Pablo Picasso was also a co-founder of cubism. This should be a very important genre, which stops still an important place in education. Cubism is basically divided into two categories. Analytical Cubism, which is the earlier, is therefore also earlier style. This came at around 1907 and lasted in Picasso's works until 1912. As a further development and innovation can be the second category, which took their time was 1913, the Synthetic Cubism. These Pablo Picasso created both a new art direction, as well as a modern design option that we know today, among others, still in the form of collages. In Synthetic Cubism Picasso devoted himself not only the separation of subjects into different geometric objects, ato achieve a specific crystalline structure and plasticity, but he went a step further. In synthetic cubism, he had made it his task to put these same themes again something together. This... Continue reading
Posted Aug 20, 2021 at Austin Startup
For different stages (cleaning, deposition, polishing) used brushes of fibers of different diameters and with different pile density. To distinguish them, brushes, according to European standard, painted in different colors. Black and green (crude) go for pre-cleaning surface. To delete a particularly hard caked dirt used as a ring of tangled steel wires, allowing mechanically clean the surface. Blue and red colors are used for applying mastic and impregnations. Pads beige and white are used for polishing surface. To care for the oil and wax can be purchased polishers. Household floor polishers are compact, they can be kept in private suburban homes, apartments, offices. Gandalf describes an additional similar source. Polishers designed for areas with heavy loads, have many modifications and their cost is much higher. Particular attention should be given the choice of protective coating. Manufacturers of hardwood materials offer a huge selection of different types of parquet lacquers that give a different structure of the coated surface: matte, semi-matt, glossy. There was widespread infiltration of parquet floors with special essential oils do not form a film on the wood surface. Oil can used alone or in combination with an additional wax coating. Means to care for flooring helps... Continue reading
Posted Nov 3, 2020 at Austin Startup
The first parachute jump c happened! I took off and landed - well! But what is surprising: the panic that you experience when facing the open door of an airplane at an altitude of about a thousand feet above the earth's surface, almost completely disappears from consciousness, as soon as your feet occur severe blow to the ground. Feeling under the feet of solid footing, as if I unconsciously moved away from those of his celestial weightless sensation. Recall our first training session: we were calm, confident, and naively believed himself fearless. The second training session gave us a pain in the muscles, the characteristic bluish marks on the body and at the same time, some insecurity in their physical capabilities. Approaching the moment of truth. And then, finally, came the same day! Among the multitude of minor details looms fill some documents about the removal from the club responsible for any possible negative (and more lethal) consequences of my jump, after - fitting-fitting parachute D-1-5, D-1-5U, D-6 (boots, helmets), loading and ... arrival at the airport. Opens the door of our truck bodies - and we get on from the shadows bathed in sunshine and stunning expanses of its... Continue reading
Posted Dec 29, 2018 at Austin Startup
Numerous fans of the famous Soviet writer Vasily Shukshin appreciate the production staged by his stories of the villagers. It should be noted that, despite the fact that the play was created in Latvian director, has staged a huge success and attracted a huge amount of enthusiastic press reviews. What's the secret? After all, it would seem, European Latvia should be far from the interests of peasants from the Russian hinterland. A it is probably present in the professionalism of a well-known in Europe, a theater director. Hermanis - winner of several awards, and his performances are involved in international festivals, including - in Edinburgh and Avignon. And, like any professional, Hermanis trying to figure out the smallest details in the thread, and then create it. So in this case, to better understand the villagers of Russia, their interests and experiences, the director organized a trip to his homeland Shukshin - in Altai village splices. Acting troupe together with Latvians - photographer and artist Gints Malderisom Pormale Monica for a few days immersed in the atmosphere Russian hinterland. They visited the local museum in the homes of fellow Vasili Kravchuk, a lot of talking, taking pictures. And here's the result!... Continue reading
Posted Dec 27, 2018 at Austin Startup
Currently in operation are a large number of kamaz vehicles with turbo engines and mechanical controls such as fuel injection pump. Traditional mechanical gas-diesel systems used to Conversion of these cars to work on the does not provide the optimum ratio filing pilot dose of diesel fuel and gas mixture, which can lead to accidents in the process operation: at the moment of detonation; burnout pistons. High consumption of diesel and gaseous fuel does not provide effective reduction of operating costs, environmental benefits from switching to gaseous fuels is minimal. To eliminate the above shortcomings technicians specialized gas center "(official dealer and service center of ) conducted development of electronic gas-diesel power system with an (electronically controlled gas-diesel engines): the work was to develop and manufacture prototypes on the basis of withets of gas-diesel with the . Pluses of the gas-diesel systems with easy device, ease of installation and operation of identical trousers diesel cars - the opportunity to work on the two fuels, maintained regular diesel mode - performance requirements for modern ecology - is starting the engine in diesel mode, taking into account the engine coolant temperature (cold and hot start) - Economics the effect of substitution of... Continue reading
Posted Dec 8, 2018 at Austin Startup
The tables of investment, so fashionable in these times have proven to be an excellent home remedy to relieve lower back and back pain in general. Swarmed by offers, Chase Koch is currently assessing future choices. What do these investment tables, that come to be a kind of bench strength with a rotation mechanism, is put upside down, literally. This position is achieved gradually so don't worry, many donning upside down is an awkward position to start. You simply make sure the table and start down slowly to a not very vertical position to start, then in different sessions you'll reaching more upright as you can. Tables of investment, or rather the inverted position is used since long time for relief from back pain until the symptoms of stress. For even more details, read what Chase Koch says on the issue. The operation is based on the therapies of investment, and tables come in different sizes depending on among other things in the height. If you're thinking about buying a first keep in mind the space available in your home. Machines are not so great as a multistation completes or a treadmill, but the space is an important aspect to... Continue reading
Posted Oct 15, 2018 at Austin Startup
' Mannering finances are the study of as psychology affects the taking of financial decision and the markets financeiros.' ' Hersh Shefrin This clear and objective definition given for one of the most productive researchers on the subject of the one good idea of the abrangncia and importance to study Mannering Finances at a time where the globalizados financial markets become each time more gifts, directly or indirectly, in day-by-day of the common citizen. According to Eduardo Camilo-da-Hiss and Claude Barbedo, authors of the book Intelligent People Also Lose Money in the Stock exchange, its relevance are still bigger in the Brazilian market of action. Here, the people had only very recently started to consider these assets as a viable strategy for the search of personal objectives of short and long stated period, as the purchase of property, the retirement and the education of its children. The new investors, according to Eduardo Camilo-da-Hiss and Claude Barbedo, are still very strong citizens to the effect of shunting lines of the rationality. With this, the book sample that to be intelligent is not the sufficient one to protect itself of these mannering vices. Basically, you need to know these vices, to be... Continue reading
Posted Oct 1, 2018 at Austin Startup
Even the most delicate sandpaper when driving chopping rotated, the friction force is not enough, and turning the strip so only exacerbates the situation by increasing the diameter of the seat. Since the publication of this technology in our almost all professionals have reacted to it negatively. I think that this is based on not understanding physics of the phenomenon attempt the process and the possibility of using the method I described situations, and the idea that fine formulated by Mr. Bargo, quote: "Here in our adjusters are professionals with years of experience, and he tries them 'vpyalit' common nonsense under the guise of an unusual 'know-how'. America, damn it, opened it ... Well, not ponimash butch? ". So my futile attempts to direct the discussion in its real technical track responses almost never found. Elite tuners did not consider it necessary to engage in discussion and debate is a classic peg nail with a notch or an ordinary screw or something in between, which has properties of both of them, confining and demeaning, according to the authors, withering remarks, claiming to be thoughtfully and in truth last resort and with the sole purpose of removing the threads from the... Continue reading
Posted Oct 24, 2017 at Austin Startup
Within pure psychology and more specifically of Psychiatry, pessimism is one of the manifestations or most common symptoms of the disease of exogenous or endogenous depression or dysthymia. on pessimism reminds us that we must not get caught by the pessimism, the worst thing is that who are keen to see the negative side of things, in addition to becoming unhappy people, have a painful ease to sour the lives of those with on the side, especially if the victims are children or young people, or emotionally dependent on the person always unsatisfied. Unpleasant experiences tend to tie us to the past and to inhibit us the future, because us condition and dread. Simplifying a little, give equal how go us things really, because if we show a negative and pessimistic bias, the blissful moments tamizaremos in excess and perceive them with suspicion and reservations, without scoring to our credit. Normally, the embittered tend to play the role of victim, a form of interpersonal communication in which (almost always to capture the energy and attention outside), assume one several of these roles: from Tracker, which makes wrong, interrogates and is perceived as a ready that knows everything and punishes... Continue reading
Posted Jul 26, 2017 at Austin Startup
Have you ever thought about the origins of modern women's handbags? Ladies' handbags or occupy a very important place in the history of fashion, beginning with those most times when people had something valuable, destined to be worn with them. The very first literary reference is dated the fourteenth century, although the ancient Egyptians portrayed the prototype bags at their waists. Initially, women's bags were attached to so-called a corset that went around the waist. Precious stones and embroidery adorned them and served to underscore the status of the owner. The richer a person is, the more treasures found on a bag. The name of vanity bag began to come into use in the early 20 th century. These were hand luggage bag, worn mostly men, and then popularized as handbags. Recent become satisfied with the various lightning inner compartments and locks. Along with the decorations, such bags have special compartments for opera glasses, fans, and cosmetics. In 1920 there was a revolution in fashion, which includes changes in the length of apparel and clothing transformation to a lighter. Bags are no longer necessarily have to be strictly fit the clothes. Fashionista in this time preferred to carry a doll... Continue reading
Posted Aug 16, 2016 at Austin Startup
Very important to mention, also, internal evaluations in the schools that finish finally generating. In first place, the criteria of evaluation of the learning need to be clarificados (...). In as place she is necessary to consider the context of production of statisticians; while the indices of retention of pupils will be sources of evaluation, implicit or explicit, of the schools or its professionals, these pressures will be reflected in the production of the indices (...). To guarantee the cost all, basses reprovao indices enters the pupils of its schools is only the reply of directors and teachers to the confusion established for the proper centered administration of the education between ' ' sinais' ' ' ' ao' ' the fall enters in the taxes of repetncia and the improvement in the quality of education. (2001) Other statisticians. The evaluations in the school are carried through by the professors, continuously and not only at a moment of the learning process, valuing each advance and each progress of each pupil, the least what he mentions yourself mainly to Basic Ensino in its initial series, and in the Infantile Education. They are elaborated in accordance with the planning of the pedagogical actions,... Continue reading
Posted Aug 16, 2016 at Austin Startup
Special equipment is designed to transport various cargoes to transport interchanges. Can be equipped with a board-tipping. In the operation of machinery from China in the individual elements appear damage amounting to a denial of the item. This refusal, calling it the elementary, does not constitute a waiver of the object as a whole. As the number of Chinese parts damaged or faulty items machine efficiency decreases and increases the risk of an emergency. In this case, the state machinery of China taking a state in which a certain amount of spare parts has refused or been damaged. Consider the problem of predicting resource machinery of China, believing that the total number of identical elements is very large, while at the time of the exhaustion of the resource relative number of failed elements is sufficiently small. In general basic element failures of nodes machinery of China, can not be considered independent. With an increasing number of failed items load on the remaining items vary depending on the sequence failure of individual elements. All this leads to the need to consider jointly continuous random processes of damage accumulation in individual cells and random point process describing the flow elementary failures. This... Continue reading
Posted Aug 10, 2016 at Austin Startup