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Amanda Beth
Recent Activity
Thanks for your message, Stef. It really ministered to me. :)
Have a blessed Thanksgiving!
Thanksgiving (Paul series continues next week)
Photo by: Chris Wittwer at Stock.xchng Since Thanksgiving is this week in the U.S., I want to share a message I’ve posted in the past on Thanksgiving as a reminder to keep our hearts filled with praise for all that God has done for us. I’ll continue our study of Paul’s letters in Romans to...
Thank you for your continual encouragement, Stef. And I'm glad the prayers bless you. Praying for God's blessings to you and your family.
Paul Series “Romans 7”
Source: Wikipedia We continue our study of Paul's letters in Romans to Philemon. In Romans 6 last week, Paul instructed us to consider ourselves dead to sin and alive to God. In Romans 7, Paul continues to explain how we are released from the law and bound to Christ: Therefore, my brethren,...
I am so happy it blessed you, Stef! Praying and believing for your miracle. God is faithful:)
Blessings to you,
Paul Series “Romans 4”
Source: Wikipedia We continue our study of Paul’s letters in Romans to Philemon. Follow this link to read any previous messages in this series. This week we are studying Romans 4. As in the previous chapters, Paul talks about how we are justified before God and made righteous by faith, not b...
Thanks, Stef! It's good to be back. I'm excited to see what doors God opens up through the award to share His Word. Blessings:)
Confidence to Persevere
I am excited to be back from my break. I took August off to catch up on some things and prayerfully prepare a schedule for my kid’s school year so that I am able to have more time to write. I checked my email messages when I returned and found some encouraging news regarding my first book “You C...
Thanks for the informative post, Stef! Praying I am ready for His return! :)
Fulfilled or Future? God Says He Will Bring Desolation to Israel...
Based on Leviticus Chapter 26:32-39 and Leviticus 26:40-44 32 I will bring the land to desolation, and your enemies who dwell in it shall be astonished at it. 33 I will scatter you among the nations and draw out a sword after you;your land shall be desolate and your cities waste. 34 Then the la...
Amanda Beth is now following The Typepad Team
Feb 19, 2013
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