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Deb, I have to agree this is a painful experience that is very hard to take. People don't want to talk about it and can't seem to understand the pain you're feeling.
No matter what point a miscarriage happens, it is a devastating loss. I, luckily had a husband that shared my pain. He was much better at making me face the pain than shove it aside.
Still, that awful day is remembered and I look forward to the day I can see the child I lost.
Thanks for sharing,
How to Heal Your Heart after a Miscarriage
“It’s hard to know how many parents lose children to stillbirth and miscarriage, and that loss is just as great as losing a child by any other way. It’s tragic and contrary to our dreams and expectations of having a happy, healthy family,” said Jessica Steffens, Mercy HeartPrints coordinator I...
AuthorTinaGayle is now following The Typepad Team
Jun 26, 2015
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