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Jake Warrior
Texas, Earth and Na'vi Pandora
My Ceremony Native American Indian name is White Eagle and my Great, Great Grandfather's last name is Adkins. I'm part Cherokee Indian and French, included Avatarian. Glad to have a brand new Avatar 3D movie, that's awesome!!! I collecting AVATAR Collectibles and other Action Figures & Collectibles, will built a brand new AVATAR museum in the back bedroom soon!
Interests: outdoors, fishing, camping, hunting, swimming at the lake, trip to the powwows, trip to the pow wows, meeting the native american indians and tribes, cooking bbq, classic cars and trucks, meeting the cruisers and movie stars, collecting action figures and collectibles.
Recent Activity
That's great find! I don't mind both look different, they have very special Digital images that way works excellent in the movie. Thanks for sharing. :-)
Toggle Commented Feb 24, 2010 on No title at AVATAR
Jake Warrior is now following Dora
Feb 23, 2010
Jake Warrior is now following Lisa Ayn
Feb 23, 2010
Jake Warrior is now following Gaea seeks freedom!
Feb 23, 2010
Jake Warrior is now following Uniltirantokx_Tsamsiyu(Avatar_Warrior)
Feb 23, 2010
Jake Warrior added a favorite at AVATAR
Feb 23, 2010
Jake Warrior is now following AVATAR
Jan 30, 2010
Jake Warrior is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 30, 2010