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Andrew Hunt
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"Shortly", for some definition of "shortly." ;) I am speaking at the NDC conference in Oslo this week, watch for that link. We'll have more posted toward the end of the summer. /\ndy
Toggle Commented Jun 15, 2015 on It's an Experiment at /\ndy
Sure we can still lose our way. The problem is that the manifesto can easily be mis-interpreted and mis-applied. We see that happen all the time. The folks authoring that "spew" likely think they are, in fact, honoring the manifesto. Alas, they are not.
Toggle Commented May 28, 2015 on The Failure of Agile at /\ndy
I think there are certainly similarities, as you'll find in any Lean/Agile approach. But there are some important differences, for instance, the PDCA cycle starts at the wrong place, and uses the wrong words. And unfortunately, as we've discovered, words do make a difference.
Toggle Commented May 26, 2015 on The Failure of Agile at /\ndy
Part of GROWS is to involve everyone involved in the effort — especially the executives. They need to know what they're getting, and what's expected of them in return.
Toggle Commented May 26, 2015 on The Failure of Agile at /\ndy
In my last blog post questioning the state of the agile movement, I asked “What happened to the idea of inspect and adapt? What happened to the idea of introducing new practices, of evolving our practices to suit the challenges... Continue reading
Posted May 18, 2015 at /\ndy
I don't think there's a conflict between evidence and intuition; you lead with intuition, but follow up with evidence. Intuition is extremely useful, but far from perfect. In any case, take the idea and try it. Prototype it. Trial it as an experiment with the team (more on that in the next post). Then you begin to get evidence.
Toggle Commented May 15, 2015 on The Failure of Agile at /\ndy
No. We will not promote the same old useless pay-a-fee/multiple-choice-test certification garbage that permeates our industry. In the spirit of keeping everything based on outcomes, any sort of certification or rating should be done from real world results. If you think you have a great team, how do your users rate you? Now there are issues with that sort of a system as well, but I think it's a better direction than the old-fashioned, outdated, pass-a-test and you're certified nonsense.
Toggle Commented May 14, 2015 on The Failure of Agile at /\ndy
"Is GROWS agile?" I don't think that's actually the key question. The intent is that GROWS is a framework to help you grow and discover what works for you and your organization. We've learned a lot of what can work well from the agile movement, but we've also seen far too much "agile dogma" trump common sense. So what we want to promote with GROWS is a return to self-determination, using what we've learned and valued from the agile movement, in a framework that promotes experimentation to a first-class methodological practice, that's inclusive and offers very concrete steps for beginners to help get them to the point where more abstract values and principles can be applied. We're just starting, so there's a lot to write and discuss and present. But that's our goal, in a nutshell.
Toggle Commented May 8, 2015 on The Failure of Agile at /\ndy
Keith, All models are wrong; some may be useful. I suppose it's probably more fair to say that we are "inspired" by the Dreyfus model rather than following it slavishly, based on our experiences and direct observation. And with that in mind, it *has* helped us and has been useful. And yes, I've actually met and spoken with Dr. Benner and others in the nursing field, so I am aware of the strengths and weaknesses of their approach to it. The bottom line is that skill, training, education, intuition, practice, governance — these are all very complex, interrelated issues, parts of which we understand well and parts of which we haven't a clue yet. Any simple model, be it Dreyfus, or Shu-ha-ri, or any of the more academic learning models, is going to be brutally off the mark because it cannot take into account nuances of context and the full range of "yes, but.." that should be addressed. However, you have to start somewhere, no matter how simplified or limited. And it is very possible that our interpretation and use of Dreyfus will evolve over time. In fact, I'm counting on it. Because the major thrust of GROWS is to elevate the idea of the Experiment to a first-class member of the method. It's all an experiment, we get feedback, we adjust, we move on. That's true of your project under GROWS, and it's true of GROWS itself. More on that in the next blog post. /\ndy
Toggle Commented May 7, 2015 on The Failure of Agile at /\ndy
I am proud to be one of the 17 founders/authors of the The Agile Manifesto back in 2001. I think it provided a jolt of energy, hope of a better way of doing things, of creating software and making the... Continue reading
Posted May 6, 2015 at /\ndy
My book Pragmatic Thinking & Learning was published back in 2008, and I'm delighted to report that I still receive letters from readers ever week, reporting how that book has changed the lives for the better. That's pretty cool. And... Continue reading
Posted Jan 29, 2015 at /\ndy
Email is the mind-killer. Email is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my email. I will permit the email to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner... Continue reading
Posted Dec 2, 2014 at /\ndy
In May this year, we published a book aimed at helping kids learn how to program in Java, using the Minecraft game. Parents and educators flocked to the book, and eager kids around the world started writing Java plugins using... Continue reading
Posted Oct 1, 2014 at /\ndy
April 1, 2014 (Raleigh, NC) A new methodology aimed at reducing defects and increasing reliability in code has been announced. “SCRAP™” is a novel combination of Scrum and XP (eXtreme Programming). SCRAP™ takes elements from Scrum (the “Scr”) and adds... Continue reading
Posted Apr 1, 2014 at /\ndy
I was playing around with a Raspberry Pi this weekend. Normally I have the Pi hooked up as a high-definition audio player for 24-bit 96kHz audio files through a USB audio adapter. But this time I wanted to do something... Continue reading
Posted Mar 23, 2014 at /\ndy
My newest book, Learn to Program with Minecraft Plugins: Create Flying Creepers and Flaming Cows in Java is now content-complete and will be heading to prodcution in just a few weeks. That means it won't be long before we've got... Continue reading
Posted Mar 12, 2014 at /\ndy
We talk about “bugs” in software as if they were caused by some unavoidable, blood-thirsty third-party that invades our pristine code, much as ants might attack a sweet picnic basket or mosquitoes an exposed neck. But while bugs seems to... Continue reading
Posted Apr 18, 2013 at /\ndy
What a great time for open source. Thanks to these marvelous tubes that we call The Internet, there are now uncountable tons of great libraries, frameworks, gems, answers on stackoverflow and more that you can use to add features and... Continue reading
Posted Apr 12, 2013 at /\ndy
April 1, 2013 There’s nothing as thrilling as announcing a new programming language: a new hammer for all the professional nails you might encounter. And this is possibly the most efficient, most effective programming language ever designed: Garnet. Garnet is... Continue reading
Posted Apr 1, 2013 at /\ndy
Resistance is Natural. Resistance is the enemy. You’ve probably encountered resistance in at least popular form: we call it procrastination. But envision resistance as a much more powerful, more universal and pervasive force. Something like a meta-gravity, weighing down any... Continue reading
Posted Feb 28, 2013 at /\ndy
Andrew Hunt has shared their blog /\ndy
Feb 28, 2013
There are many great ways to avoid being “agile.” Some are obvious, such as a sticking to a design or schedule long past it’s expiration date. Plans tend to be like milk on a hot summer’s day in that regard.... Continue reading
Posted Feb 19, 2013 at /\ndy
We don't own the rights to The Pragmatic Programmer, we wrote that before we started the publishing business, so it's not up to us. You might check with Addison Wesley though.
Toggle Commented Jan 27, 2011 on The Pragmatic Programmer 26th printing at /\ndy
The February 15th print edition of SD Times lists columnist Larry O'Brien's picks for the top ten most influential software development books of the past 10 years. Of the ten, he's chosen these fine two books: Practices of An Agile... Continue reading
Posted Mar 18, 2010 at /\ndy
Andrew Hunt is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010