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Axel Schultze
Recent Activity
I checked DoubleDutch a while back - it said it is a game - will check again.
In response to Xeesm: I just created one for you.
1) Now you have one URL you can use to share all your social sites.
2) You have a "Social Address Book" where you can add your clients with their social sites
3) You expand Xeesm to a "Social Relationship Manager" or Social CRM for yourself or your clients
Double Dutch IS Foursquare for Conventions and Events
A few months ago I wondered if location-based (LB) platforms like Foursquare could be used to maximize engagement at conventions and other events. It turns out I was not alone. Meet Double Dutch - “The only white label, location-based iPhone app.”Note: Due out this summer is an HTML5 app tha...
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Mar 3, 2010
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Mar 3, 2010
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