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Abby Zidle
Recent Activity
PRINTOSAUR: Deleting New York.
I'm in :).
MEGALIT has come for your woooooooords
by Alison Janssen You guys, today I want to talk about editing, and how I believe that good editing should be a conversation. Not a list of "this must be changed!" dictates from editor to author, nor a bunch of "uh-huh"s from an author who isn't really listening. A conversation, where both p...
Abby Zidle is now following Julian Hornik
Sep 17, 2010
Abby Zidle is now following Lhornik
Sep 13, 2010
Abby Zidle is now following Joshhornik
Sep 12, 2010
Abby Zidle is now following Noah Hornik
Sep 8, 2010
Abby Zidle is now following Megan Priest
Sep 8, 2010
Abby Zidle is now following Lauri
Sep 5, 2010
Abby Zidle is now following Betsy
Sep 5, 2010
Abby Zidle is now following David Hornik
Sep 4, 2010
Abby Zidle is now following Gerry
Sep 4, 2010
I love that Freberg album! I listened to it over and over as a child, even though I didn't get all the jokes. (Fortunately, as a child of the Boston school system, we covered our Revolutionary War history early and often.) I will still occasionally chant "Rumble rumble rumble. Mutiny munity mutiny" in contentious moments--which probably just makes me look like a crazy person, now that I think about it. But thanks for jogging my memory...
Poetry Woman
Jeff Cohen Everyone who has come into even casual contact with me knows, especially after this weekend, that I hate snow. But I'll make one exception. According to her web site, the brilliant singer/songwriter Phoebe Snow has suffered a brain aneurism and required emergency surgery. While the lat...
Next year Amy Lindel's going for 18 mai tais and 3 chairs!
I Bet Blitzen Understands Me
From the Desk of Sparkles Tootlebutter First Elf of Vandeywaggle Second Lieutenant to K. Kringle, Claus of the Highest Order North Pole Dear Ms. Poelle, Although in recent years we have refrained from responding to complaints regarding list placement, you gave us all here such a hearty and ...
I would just like to warn your readers that editors don't like to do the hugging bits--I think that's publicity's department.
You Put Your Whole Self In
By Barbara Poelle The Fourth Annual Poelle Polish Turkey Trot and Gobble Wobble ™ on Thursday was a shining success. Again, won by Husband, but extra points to the Minnesota contingency for style. (I wish I could post the picture of my lovely mother carrying a bottle of rum over the finish line...
You Married It!
Ours is not to reason why.
Where is the On Switch on a Vacuum?
by Barbara Poelle So Husband is coming home after doing whatever it is that he does for the last five weeks. Maybe it’s venture capital investing. Maybe it’s another family. Who knows? The fact remains is that unfortunately, whenever he leaves on these extended jaunts, he takes the carpenter, th...
Are you/she dead set on the three-hour drive requirement? Because otherwise, go to Stanford! As an east coast girl myself, I can't tell you how liberating and exciting it was to head to California for school. And they're really good at balancing a lot of RA supervision with a general attitude of "you were smart enough to get in here, you're smart enough to behave like an adult." Plus palm trees!
OK, I'll stop now.
A smattering of smatterings
Jeff Cohen (filling in for PJ Nunn) As PJ attends to her family (and our best wishes are with you and your son, Patti!), just a few incredibly random thoughts: *Curt Schilling for Ted Kennedy's senate seat? Please tell me I'm having a bad dream. *I'm reading Nicholas Meyer's The View From the...
Thanks for the shout-out! And now I want to go swimming.
By Barbara Poelle Stop me if I said this already, but I’ve been swimming in the mornings before work at this giant aquatics center in Harlem and I love it. I mean love it. Despite the fact that I have to get up at ass o'clock in the morning, and then hang my suit out of my office window to dry, ...
Who? Poked? The Puma? (brought to you by the makers of "Tiger by the Tail" and "Crocodile Tears? I Got Yer Crocodile Tears!")
But Then Again, Adult Diapers Would Make Everything Easier
by Barbara Poelle Husband and I bought rollerblades and on Saturday we bladed the length of the island. ( I know, I know, we came back to a message on our answering machine that went [BEEP] uh, hey guys, it’s me, 1994, I am just calling to see if I can get my rollerblades back. And oh, yeah, thi...
I cannot stop laughing. Also, I am sitting here watching Shark Week RIGHT NOW (featured: "Great White Appetite") and I expressed the merest hint of a desire to get in a shark cage and watch great whites. Before I could complete the sentence, Husband cut me off with a "Hellz no!"
So keep working on yours, so I can say, "But Barbara gets to do it! Why can't Ieeeee?"
Frogs and Bears and Chickens and Things
by Barbara Poelle Okay. It’s Shark Week on Discovery and karma is kicking the crap outta me as I actually DO have a sore throat but NO ONE will believe me if I call in sick. And my throat isn’t the cool, “I’m Kathleen Turner from Romancing the Stone in 1984” it’s more like “I’m Harvey Fierstein ...
Neon is too the new black. Hmmph.
Tough Love is the New Black
by Barbara Poelle A colleague of mine, we’ll call her Jolly Loot, recently came into my home and performed what some may consider an intervention- others, an exorcism- regarding the contents of my closet. Apparently, Jolly vacillates between open mouth gaping and outright hysterical laughter at ...
The visit did exactly what it was intended to do--make a connection with a bookseller who might handsell the author in future. That's why we often tell our authors to drop in and offer to sign stock; a little face time goes a long way.
In this case, you read the author's book overnight, liked it and say yourself you'll handsell it. You might put a review in your newsletter, that sort of thing. All of that is more likely to convert to sales than a traditional (and more expensive) book tour.
Why visit?
About two weeks ago a VP from St. Martin's e-mailed me and asked if he could "stop by" with author John Hart, adding (in case I was unaware) that Hart had won an Edgar. I of course said, sure, come on over, and he then fedexed me several ARCs of Hart's new book, THE LAST CHILD, which I picked u...
Congratulations! I'll go check it out!
A New Venture
Robin Agnew I know this portion of the blog is by me, about me, but usually it's more about my business, something that in a way I can hold at a comfortable remove. It's about the store or about books I really like, not about me per se. But I have something coming up this week I need to write ...
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