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Abby Zidle
Recent Activity
PRINTOSAUR: Deleting New York. I'm in :).
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Abby Zidle is now following Julian Hornik
Sep 17, 2010
Abby Zidle is now following Lhornik
Sep 13, 2010
Abby Zidle is now following Joshhornik
Sep 12, 2010
Abby Zidle is now following Noah Hornik
Sep 8, 2010
Abby Zidle is now following Megan Priest
Sep 8, 2010
Abby Zidle is now following Lauri
Sep 5, 2010
Abby Zidle is now following Betsy
Sep 5, 2010
Abby Zidle is now following David Hornik
Sep 4, 2010
Abby Zidle is now following Gerry
Sep 4, 2010
I love that Freberg album! I listened to it over and over as a child, even though I didn't get all the jokes. (Fortunately, as a child of the Boston school system, we covered our Revolutionary War history early and often.) I will still occasionally chant "Rumble rumble rumble. Mutiny munity mutiny" in contentious moments--which probably just makes me look like a crazy person, now that I think about it. But thanks for jogging my memory...
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Next year Amy Lindel's going for 18 mai tais and 3 chairs!
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I would just like to warn your readers that editors don't like to do the hugging bits--I think that's publicity's department.
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You Married It! Ours is not to reason why.
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Are you/she dead set on the three-hour drive requirement? Because otherwise, go to Stanford! As an east coast girl myself, I can't tell you how liberating and exciting it was to head to California for school. And they're really good at balancing a lot of RA supervision with a general attitude of "you were smart enough to get in here, you're smart enough to behave like an adult." Plus palm trees! OK, I'll stop now.
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Thanks for the shout-out! And now I want to go swimming.
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Who? Poked? The Puma? (brought to you by the makers of "Tiger by the Tail" and "Crocodile Tears? I Got Yer Crocodile Tears!")
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I cannot stop laughing. Also, I am sitting here watching Shark Week RIGHT NOW (featured: "Great White Appetite") and I expressed the merest hint of a desire to get in a shark cage and watch great whites. Before I could complete the sentence, Husband cut me off with a "Hellz no!" So keep working on yours, so I can say, "But Barbara gets to do it! Why can't Ieeeee?"
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Neon is too the new black. Hmmph.
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The visit did exactly what it was intended to do--make a connection with a bookseller who might handsell the author in future. That's why we often tell our authors to drop in and offer to sign stock; a little face time goes a long way. In this case, you read the author's book overnight, liked it and say yourself you'll handsell it. You might put a review in your newsletter, that sort of thing. All of that is more likely to convert to sales than a traditional (and more expensive) book tour.
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Congratulations! I'll go check it out!
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