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LuAnn Smith
Interests: sewing, family and friends., all things vintage
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Posted Jul 30, 2016 at LuAnn Smith's blog
To this day, your girlfriend designs are my favorite and I hold on to every little scrap I have. At a time when every time you read the headlines there's doom and gloom, a beautiful Sis Boom tablecloth would come in handy!
Toggle Commented Oct 10, 2010 on 3 Winners at Sis Boom Day Dreams
1 reply
Mitzi, I'm always amazed at how much you know! LOL
Toggle Commented Aug 16, 2010 on Dionne Quintuplets 101 at Mitzi's Collectibles Blog
LuAnn Smith is now following Account Deleted
Aug 11, 2010
LuAnn Smith is now following Denise Lockwood
Aug 11, 2010
LuAnn Smith is now following Account Deleted
Aug 11, 2010
LuAnn Smith is now following Kristen
Aug 11, 2010
LuAnn Smith is now following Jackie
Aug 11, 2010
LuAnn Smith is now following Carmen Leigh
Aug 11, 2010
LuAnn Smith is now following Lynn Fisher - Write Where I Am
Aug 11, 2010
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Aug 11, 2010
LuAnn Smith is now following Elizabeth Barrett
Aug 11, 2010
LuAnn Smith is now following Account Deleted
Aug 11, 2010
LuAnn Smith is now following Janet Rand01
Aug 11, 2010
Aug 11, 2010
LuAnn Smith is now following creativechaos
Aug 11, 2010
Great job Mitzi! They are lovely and sure to be a big seller.. Hope all is well in your neck of the woods.
I agree about the work involved with being on two venues Dahlila. But then I think about restaurants in town that are in two locations. They choose those different locations to draw from different traffic and I'm beginning to think it's the same when selling on-line! Etsy reminds me of the California gold rush of 1849. There were a few miners that hit gold and made money but most lost their shirts. The people that made money were merchants that sold gold mining equipment {think supply sellers on Etsy}! Good to “see” you Dahlila and I do appreciate your input. Hope all is well in your neck of the woods!
Toggle Commented Jul 30, 2010 on A Little Vintage Shop at Back Home Again
1 reply
Thanks so much for stopping in ladies. Your passion for cookie jars puts a BIG smile on my face. Cindi your mom has 500 cookies jars? Where in the world does she store them or is Mercedes your mom? LOL Sorry I couldn't resist. Thanks again ladies! Your blogs and collections are amazing... ~LuAnn
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I checked out your blog Allie. Your work is pretty amazing and you are obviously very talented. Congrats on your graduation and I appreciate your comments. I think Big Cartel and Etsy are tapping in to different markets but I'm just not sure what they are. LOL For sure, it's a matter of what you have the balls for! ~LuAnn P.S. I couldn't find your store on Etsy, if you come back, would you leave a link please...
Toggle Commented Jul 28, 2010 on A Little Vintage Shop at Back Home Again
1 reply
Wow Natalie, I so appreciate your insight. Great point about being on the other side of the trap door! I've been reluctant to park Back Home Again on 2 different sites but I really think it may be the way to go. Great analogy comparing Etsy = craft show to big cartel = brick and mortar. I've also seen people compare Etsy to having a booth at an antique mall and big cartel to having your own boutique store. I think I'm over needing Etsy for the community aspect. That just seems to suck up my time (which I have so little of) and my blog keeps me connected to my customers... Anyway, there's always lots to think about. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. I really do appreciate it! ~LuAnn
Toggle Commented Jul 28, 2010 on A Little Vintage Shop at Back Home Again
1 reply
From what I understand Barbara, you generate your own traffic at Big Cartel. I am so buried at Etsy that I have to generate my own traffic anyway and do. With Big Cartel your traffic stays in your store vs. hitting the BIG orange Etsy button {trap door}. In terms of size, Big Cartel has a limit of 100 items which keeps all the shops small. I'm seriously considering putting my handmade on Big Cartel and leaving tutorials {coming to your location soon} and vintage on Etsy!
Toggle Commented Jul 26, 2010 on A Little Vintage Shop at Back Home Again
1 reply
I didn't realize you're in Big Ten country Mitzi. Being born and raised in Indiana, I love the Big Ten and am so happy Izzo is staying at MSU. He's such a great coach and a great guy. I can't wait for basketball season to start!
Toggle Commented Jun 17, 2010 on My Quickest Post Ever at Mitzi's Collectibles Blog
Hey ladies, thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. I've closed down Back Home Again on Etsy and am concentrating on my blog. Even my blog traffic slows down a bit over the summer. Have fun dusting off your isles and enjoy the summer sun. Some of us will be shoveling snow before you know it! LOL
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