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"There are two kinds of beauty Eastern and Western." This is the first sentence I hear out of a pair of perfectly glossed lips the day Thanksgiving. A friend of mine from New York connected me with a professional make-up... Continue reading
When I first moved to LA, I did requisite sign up for a catering company. I was 21, had just moved to the city, and hadn't figured out quite what I wanted to do to make rent in the meantime.... Continue reading
The weekend after Hurricane Sandy my friend wrote a post on Facebook that he was upset he couldn't help out. He was single-handedly keeping our company together (a downtown gym that had become a haven for those without power) and... Continue reading
You never know who you're in a room with, or who you're sitting next to, or whose dog your petting, or who you're playing "Mafia" with. So, my friend from NYU was visiting Los Angeles. It was his last night... Continue reading
I've shot a few commercials over the last few years. 3 that appeared online, 1 that appeared in the South, and one that would play in Southern California. So when I received a message from a friend that she had... Continue reading
In 2009, I co-starred in a short film about female Iraq war veterans. "Carla", directed by Henry G. Sanders, will be shown at the United Nations Association film festival at the Laemmle Playhouse 7, in Pasadena on Thursday October 25th.... Continue reading
Last week I went in for a voice over audition with Carrie Faverty. I have a really good VO teacher, and his cues were in my head by the time the script was in my hand. His favorite line to... Continue reading
One of the most painful things to see is a desperate actor. They gather in audition waiting rooms across the world; huddled over their sides, mumbling their lines, faces contorted as they grasp for the air they are forgetting to... Continue reading
Not too long ago I ventured back into the world of “day jobs”, most specifically, RESTAURANTS. Suddenly filled with fear that my bills wouldn’t be paid, and my creative projects wouldn’t be funded, I accepted – hesitantly – a job... Continue reading
The highlight of my summer was the opportunity to travel to France for the Deauville American Film Festival. Previously, I blogged about Electrick Children screening at Berlin Film Festival and SXSW. I had always wanted to escape away to a... Continue reading
So, I make this TV show. It's interview-style, geared for actors, and called "Actor's Next Level." My team and I have about 14 episodes in the bag now and I've been pretty lucky about getting some high-profile guests. Producing this... Continue reading
There are so many things that we can do as actors, musicians, dancers, writers- any type of artist to improve ourselves and our craft. Take classes, practice, audition, read books. All of this is extremely helpful and important. Without classes,... Continue reading
Secrets, secrets, secrets!! Ok, so I dedicated this summer to attending alot of Casting Director workshops. It was important to me to build great relationships with key industry players this year so that by the time Pilot Season rolls around,... Continue reading
There are a thousand things I could have done with my life - engineer, doctor, hedge fundie, politico. Hell, I was already a lawyer. Tried that for 3 years actually (which doesn't count the 36 months of Vietcong-style torture that... Continue reading
I want to talk about the influence of stories. All actors are storytellers. Remember that, particularly for the end of this post. Now, see this kid on a horse? He eats stories for breakfast. I should know. That's a decade-and-a-half-old... Continue reading
I've noticed many of my fellow bloggers have been making up for long lost blogging time this week, since I suppose the summer exodus has gotten to us all in some way, whether its the heat, the fun in the... Continue reading
I've never been big on technology. I barely joined Twitter last year, still have an old Blackberry, and only yesterday joined the Instagram craze. And what's the saying - "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." True, true. Ain't nothing... Continue reading
Meryl Streep says that real life is like high school. Well, if the latest Hollywood scandals dominating the media focus are any indication, I'd say she's right. But does this old saying ring a bell; He who is without sin... Continue reading
There is an influx of actors that move into New York City each year. For many of my friends, one of the first steps was to register with a background casting office. I did the exact same thing. I was... Continue reading
So wrote the wise James Baldessari... over and over and over again. I can imagine Baldessari, a man who lit his entire body of work on fire and watched it burn to ash, writing each letter of that phrase deliberately,... Continue reading
I wrote a short silent film that I am starring in and producing. We finish principal photography tomorrow, and we're having a blast. Tomorrow's scene takes place at a costume party, so I require other actors. I am doing the... Continue reading
For the first time ever, I edited my own reel. Boy, was it thrilling. I’d been lucky in the past to have someone make and edit my reel whenever I pleased (It’s called having a boyfriend who went to film... Continue reading
This past spring, I was asked to join a theater company in Los Angeles known as The Road. I've never been a member of a theater company before. I wasn't sure quite what it would require of me. Time? Opportunities?... Continue reading
This is a picture of me lining up a jump over that chain link fence and over the DP, running full speed. The drop was about 8 feet onto concrete and the shoes I was wearing had no cushion in... Continue reading
Last week I got a call for an audition. Cool. It’s for a Pilot. Cool. I was referred by the producer who knows me. Cool. It shoots out of town. Cool. There are 6 pages of sides and the audition... Continue reading