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Life, Business, Creativity
Interests: Gardening, crafting, flea marketing, sewing, reading
Recent Activity
I love Autumn too! Your mums remind me that I need to get to the nursery to buy my own in just that orangy color - it says FALL so much better than yellow or pink, doesn't it? ::Jill
Toggle Commented Oct 15, 2012 on ~Sweet Autumn~ at Back Porch Musings
My crepe myrtle is very skimpy with the flowers, so it's a treat to see yours! They're beautiful. ::Jill
Toggle Commented Jul 30, 2012 on ~Crepes~ at Back Porch Musings
I wish I could day trip through a french lavender field! ::Jill
1 reply
I like the Eiffel Tower, you, and the armchair. I'm guess I'm not much help, but they all say "this is a lovely, interesting blog, come stay awhile"! And I'm wishing I could take those little dice pieces out of the old banner photo - they'd be a nice addition to my own small collection of tiny vintage dice! ::Jill
Toggle Commented May 29, 2012 on A New Banner for my Blog at French la Vie
1 reply
Happy Birthday dear Annie! You are forever young! xo ::Jill
Toggle Commented May 14, 2012 on Annie at French la Vie
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That is really exciting! What a lovely party it must have been. I think Colin Firth makes a better Darcy, though! :) xo Jill
Toggle Commented Feb 2, 2012 on Dreaming of Mr. Darcy at KAY ELLEN | DESIGN
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I'm as ready as can be! Merry Christmas to you Corey! ::Jill
Toggle Commented Dec 24, 2011 on Are You Ready for Christmas? at French la Vie
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Oh Corey, I'm so sorry to hear that! Yours is the third nasty fall I've heard about in 24 hours! I do hope you heal quickly. ::Jill
Toggle Commented Sep 2, 2011 on The Fall at French la Vie
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The roses are beautiful! Just perfect for a celebration such as this. happy PS! ::Jill
Toggle Commented May 28, 2011 on Dressed in Pink at KAY ELLEN | DESIGN
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Happy Birthday Annie, from California. I've so enjoyed reading about the delicious recipes you share with Corey, and the bits and pieces from your life. My grandmother lived to 99 years - I wish you many more lovely days filled with life's simple pleasures. ::Jill
Toggle Commented May 14, 2011 on Annie's Birthday at French la Vie
1 reply
My dream house pretty much matches yours. Just add a lovely English garden on one side and a potager on the other and it would be pure bliss! ::Jill
Toggle Commented May 10, 2011 on A House in Provence at French la Vie
1 reply
Absolutely gorgeous! Happy Easter to you and your family! xo Jill
Toggle Commented Apr 23, 2011 on Inspired Table at KAY ELLEN | DESIGN
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I have no idea how that happened! To: [email protected]
Toggle Commented Jan 28, 2011 on Your Attention Please at French la Vie
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10. Just tell brother Mathew to shut his eyes and turn his back. I think he's in the minority! ::Jill
Toggle Commented Jan 28, 2011 on Your Attention Please at French la Vie
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Oh I am! Especially at the photo of the charming neighborhood - that sort of thing always makes me smile! ::Jill
Toggle Commented Jan 13, 2011 on Smiling at KAY ELLEN | DESIGN
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It's still summer here too - the weather goes back and forth, back and forth. I sure wish Autumn would take control! But how nice of you to have an end-of-summer giveaway! xo Jill
Toggle Commented Sep 25, 2010 on Vintage Feeling at KAY ELLEN | DESIGN
1 reply
I have the bug! Just yesterday, while my husband was driving, I saw a broken table on the side of a busy road and my head swiveled so fast I practically broke my neck trying to see it better. Before I had a chance to say a word, and without even looking to see what I had seen, Will said NO. He doesn't have the bug.
Toggle Commented Aug 28, 2010 on How to Reconize the Brocante Bug at French la Vie
1 reply
I adore your centerpiece! I love our country's history too - and I also have Philadelphia on my list! We've visited Washington DC, Mt Vernon, Williamsburg and Gettysburg, but there's still more to do. One day! ::Jill
Toggle Commented Jul 3, 2010 on Inspired by 1776 at KAY ELLEN | DESIGN
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