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Chris Ballance
Over there, in the bushes...
Recent Activity
+1 on being the most interesting conference I went to in 2009.
The experience is more akin to than to
Concept Camp 2010
I have been waiting for this one event all year. Of all the conferences I have been to, this one last year was hands down my favorite. It was a weekend of software and s'mores, what more could a girl ask for? We hosted some amazing talks, we ate some great food, and we talked about the stuff...
Chris Ballance is now following Sara J Chipps
Jul 29, 2010
Your post reminds me a lot of how my eagerness to proclaim "your code sucks" has changed as I have matured as a developer.
It is harrowing to learn that you don't know everything, but a crucible through which you must pass in order to really grow as a developer.
All code can be improved upon. I look at code I've written a few months ago and say "my code sucks" on a regular basis.
In the absence of a fully functional automated test suite - refactoring or scrapping code that currently works is dangerous and can be only marginally productive until you understand what the current code is doing and why.
Lately, I would rate code on two main metrics
- How well does the code work?
- How easily can the code be changed?
Love the new site design.
Your Code Sucks
A very good friend of mine is in the midst of an avalanche of work. He has a lot of open contracts, and has been abandoned by a fellow developer that was helping him with his workload. So, with three huge clients breathing down his neck he has been working non stop for weeks now. ...
Chris Ballance is now following The Typepad Team
Jul 29, 2010
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