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Baltimore, MD
A shopping-obsessed gal and her pit bull pup, trying to make it in charm city
Recent Activity
I just can't.
BaltimoreGal added a favorite at Mobtown Shank
Nov 1, 2012
BaltimoreGal added a favorite at Mobtown Shank
Aug 2, 2012
Stella does the tub/bathroom or her crate if it's not too bad. If it's bad she goes under the bed and shakes, the poor chickenbutt pitbull mix.
1 reply
BaltimoreGal added a favorite at Mobtown Shank
Mar 8, 2012
BaltimoreGal added a favorite at Mobtown Shank
Jan 26, 2012
BaltimoreGal added a favorite at Mobtown Shank
Dec 23, 2011
BaltimoreGal added a favorite at WWdN: In Exile
Nov 1, 2011
BaltimoreGal added a favorite at LaurieWrites
Nov 1, 2011
BaltimoreGal is now following Mobtown Shank
Aug 30, 2011
Possibly the most effective use of a Wacky Races graphic ever.
Toggle Commented Aug 30, 2011 on Baltimore Grand Prix-ola at Mobtown Shank
BaltimoreGal added a favorite at Mobtown Shank
Aug 30, 2011
BaltimoreGal added a favorite at Mobtown Shank
Aug 30, 2011
BaltimoreGal added a favorite at LaurieWrites
Aug 11, 2011
I'm not surprised about the 90s nostalgia (although I wish it was a bit less mainstream, I HATE that Toadies song, for instance), or the fact that they aren't playing new music, because it seems like nobody wants to play new music. I am surprised there isn't more 80s "underground" music on there, since I know there's an audience for that.
I'm just thanking you for that clip. Also, I'm not or a man, and only technically a blogger, and not going to blogher, so not sure why I read this.
1 reply
BaltimoreGal added a favorite at Mobtown Shank
Jun 9, 2011
I am absolutely a feminist, but this here is the shortest and sweetest explanation of why women don't currently rule the world.
Toggle Commented Apr 19, 2011 on Said What?: How Friendships End at Mobtown Shank
BaltimoreGal added a favorite at Mobtown Shank
Apr 19, 2011
BaltimoreGal added a favorite at Mobtown Shank
Mar 24, 2011
BaltimoreGal added a favorite at WWdN: In Exile
Mar 11, 2011