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I enjoyed this article.
I agree that God has been understood, as everything is understood I think, though the distortions of our individual perception. He / she has also been used to support various agendas.
What is probably most ironic to me is that Jesus who came, as you said, to correct those distortions was seen (and used) in this same way.
Sadly this sort of misappropriation still goes on, particularly in the U.S. where fundamentalism and intolerance are common. But I do like think that the tide is turning.
I have been reading about Gnosticism lately and the role Mary Magdalene played in the early church and I can clearly see why this was repressed. To me it's sad that the spirit of Christianity has been so misunderstood.
We are lucky though, or many of us are lucky at least, to live in a time where we have the opportunity to get it right.
To me God is love and wisdom and the two are indivisible. If we don't begin to see these things in God, and in ourselves, I don't think we're really looking.
Misunderstanding God
It has taken over 60 years since I first thought of God to make peace with Him, to know beyond all doubt that He/She IS, and that our relationship is the foundational truth of Being. Yet I cannot explain it. There simply are no words, no phrases to explain or describe what is beyond our con...
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Oct 28, 2017
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