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Barbara Winslow
Recent Activity
Barbara Winslow added a favorite at Bois de Jasmin
May 3, 2011
Barbara Winslow is now following Victoria
May 3, 2011
I agree - pleasant enough, but boring, and done a million times before. Seems like Bond is trying to tap into the Marc Jacobs "Daisy" market with this one. So far, I only really like Chinatown, New Haarlem, and West Side, which is sad considering the number of fragrances they offer. Bond can - and should! - do better!
Bond No 9 Madison Square Park : Perfume Review
Star rating: 5 stars--outstanding/potential classic, 4 stars--very good, 3 stars--adequate, 2 stars--disappointing, 1 star--poor. The Bond No. 9 concept of celebrating New York has always appealed to me, as did a number of fragrances from this house -- fragrances that beautif...
Barbara Winslow is now following The Typepad Team
May 3, 2011
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